Chapter 2: Mom & Dad

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Dakota jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to her parent's room, her nightgown flowing behind her. On her Parent's bedroom door was a sign that read "DO NOT DISTURB".Dakota had always respected her parents and obeyed the signs, but this was different.

"Mom! Dad!" Dakota shouted as she ran into their room. she started jumping on the bed, just like when she was little

Her parents groaned.

"What is it Honeycakes?" her dad asked wearily.

"Fire! My room!! NOW!!!" Dakota panted in a panicked way.

"Slow down Hummingbird." her mom was completely calm. Dakota inhaled deeply and explained everything in one breath.

"I woke up and my lamp was on fire and I don't know why the smoke detectors aren't working and we need to leave! NOW!"

Everyone jumped off the bed and ran to Dakota's room to find that, in her hurry, she had thrown her covers into the fire, and it was slowly spreading through the room. Even the rug in the middle of the room was in flames!

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