Chapter 1

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Oni-san, when are you gonna play with me?" asked by the 12 year old boy.

The young boy was outside of the front door watching his older brother walking to the car that was taking him away to a fancy school for 4 years. He enjoy being with his older brother, he would play with him, help him study whenever his older brother studies, and sometimes he gets upset whenever his older brother stops him from peeping at some older school girls.

"I can't this time Is-kun, I'm going to be somewhere for a while to study." the 13 brother replied sadly.

The older brother wasn't happy that he's leaving his family for his new school, although it would help him unlock his full potential, but not being able to see his family for 4 years was saddening for him especially not being able to spend time with his younger brother.

The older brother walked to the car, then he felt something wrapped around him. He turned his head to see his younger brother hugging him not wanting to let go of his only brother, he could hear him sobbing behind him mumbling something.

"Sob...Oni-san..sob...when you come back...sob...can we..."


The young man quickly turned off his alarm clock making sure that it wouldn't go off again. He laid back on his bed staring at the ceiling thinking about the memory of his loving family and his little brother. 4 years... it had been 4 years since he left home, during his stay at the so called gifted school was just a cover up to experiment kids on being the chosen one capable to wield Excalibur and become a super human to fight off Devils and demons.

He was held prisoner for 1 year being experimented on multiple things almost killing him to death a few times, one day their was a sudden incident that made the place destroyed only leaving him alive. After the incident he was saved by a clan of ninjas called Kage, they are known as ninjas hidden from the world that perform different type of missions to assist others including the supernatural.

As he got off of his futon, he checked the time seeing that it was 6 in the morning thinking that his little brother was either up or sleeping. He was excited to meet his family again, when he joined the fake private school, the fake administrators told his parents that they weren't allowed to contact him, explaining that interference would kick him out of the school losing the scholarship of his life. The parents sadly agreed thinking that it would benefit their son to be a great man. He didn't blame them for what had happen, he wanted to make his family proud as well, especially his little brother.

He took a shower, change into his clothes wearing his blue jeans, black sneakers, red long sleeve shirt and wore a leather jacket over it. Then he had his breakfast, carried his duffel bag and left the hotel to finally go home.


Kazuma was now sitting at the park bench taking a little break while gazing at the sky. A few days before, he called his mom surprisingher and not to tell Issei and his dad about his arrival so he could surprise them. She asked what time he was coming by but he told her it would be a surprise.

He was excited for today, he couldn't wait to see his family and his little brother again. He wondered if he changed a lot during the past four years or still be the same perverted little brother that will always get beaten to death by beautiful girls. He doesn't blame him for being a pervert, he has his moments a few times but doesn't like going overboard like daydreaming about breast in front of the girl that you like or being forward about it as well.

"I can finally see you again Is-kun."Kazuma said smiling while looking at the sky.

After he left the park, he saw a three girls wearing a school uniform walking the opposite direction of where he was going, then a strong wind blow towards the girls direction lifting up their skirts making them yelp while pushing their skirts down.

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