Chapter 4 : Dealing with trouble

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Megami's POV

What a great way to begin the day...
Yesterday, a girl had gone missing. Her name was Dere Kuu. She was the librarian and nobody really cared much about her.
"I bet the brat's just ditching class."
"No way ! She spends time in the library, she must care about grades or stuff ? I think she's got a dirty little secret..."
I sighed, annoyed by the plastic girls' permanent gossiping. Today's meeting had been quiet and fast, just telling the council to be extra careful. I had noticed Shiromi's strange behaviour though... She had kept her head down and her eyes were blank. Not as blank as Aishi's but blank still. Usually, they were half open and she always had that smug smile tugging at her lips. This morning, her eyes were wide and no grin showed on her face. I would have LOVED to think she was just scared because of Dere's disappearance but I knew better...

I needed to investigate, on why Dere-san had disappeared and why Shiromi seemed affected by it.

Aoi's POV

I was soooo confused.
Everyone could tell something was off with sneaky-chan today. She had barely eaten anything at breakfast, nor did she talk. We always had breakfast in the council room, because we had to wake up earlier. But this time, Shiromi kept to herself and seemed ashamed or... Sad ? I didn't know her very well, but she sure didn't act like that usually. I was a bit concerned for some reason. I shouldn't care... But I somehow did. So freaking strange...
Patrolling the hallway, I saw a black haired girl purchasing a snack. Heh. Apparently Shiromi wasn't the only one who had missed breakfast...
I continued my path, eventually seeing the gaming club members on their phone, haunting invisible, virtual monsters... I started to get bored.
"Huh ? What is that ?"
Now that was weird. What was a pipewrench doing near a water fountain ? Some liquid was leaking from the pipes.
Someone's been messing with this thing... Why ?
That was when I heard shouting.
Turning around, I saw a delinquent yelling at Aishi-san, who looked terrified.
"Ya wanna go ? Huh ? You think you're tough, don't cha ?"
"Why don't you just shut your aggressive ass up and go away ?" I asked, getting angry. Intimidating a girl for no reason ? A girl who's also an obvious social wreck ?? Get outta here !
When he saw me, Furukizu looked annoyed, and walked away.
"Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't let me catch ya do that again."
Going back to my patrol, I heard a faint voice.
"T-thank you... Ryugoku-san..."
I softened my gaze.
"Ya know, don't let him scare ya, kay ? He's just trying to be edgy. He ain't even that tough, and I bet he wouldn't have the heart to hurt ya."
"A-alright." She answered, bowing, then ran off.

Ayano's POV

Phew, it had been close.
One eyed freak had seen my trap, she probably would have gotten a teacher. I had provoked a delinquent to distract her. She didn't know it was on purpose, though. I really was good at pretending.
Plugging in the power strip, I exposed its wires.
Hehe. Now all I need is a snack...
My phone buzzed.

Info-chan : So you decided to use electricity huh ? Your target is a girl named Mizudori Hoshiko. She is part of the bullies' gang, she patrols the rooftop. She's one of the younger students.

Ayano : Thank you. Any other things I should know ?

Info-chan : The client stated they wanted the target to be ridiculed before her death.

Ayano : On it.

Now... How was I going to ridicule a popular girl ?

Ayano : Do you have, by chance, any recoding of her doing something bad ?

Info-chan : Heh, why'd you ask ? Let's say... 15 info points.

Ayano : Deal, I have time anyway.

I had about 100 points, I could afford it. I always kept some points in case the police was called to school, to delay them.
Info-chan then sent me a video of her bullying Puresu-san. What a nasty girl...
I didn't think much of it though, nor felt bad for the girl.
The fastest way to ruin someone's reputation was through social media. I so uploaded the video on Kaobook, with a caption saying : "Seriously ? I thought better of Mizudori-san..."

I made sure to upload it on my second account. I had two : the one with my real identity, and another one, with pictures of drawings and the school. I woudn't want Mizudori-san to know I exposed her...

Minutes later, her own friends started responding :
Musume Ronshaku : Wow, what a nasty bitch !
Kashiko Murasaki : I don't want anything to do with her anymore.
Kokoro Momoiro : That's it, I'm deleting her from my friends list !
Hana Daidaiyama : Heh, knew she was as horrible as her appearance.

So that was how friends reacted ? I had a lot to learn...

Ooooooops ! A update !
This one is shorter, I apologize.
I have a question for you guys : would you like to see a MMD series about this book ? I've been animating characters on MMD, and I'm soooooooo bored... Besides, it's fun !
This can seem pretentious, but it's only because I want to do something cool to kill time. And FINALLY upload something to YouTube...
Anyway, Aki is out !~

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