Chapter 5 : Criminal

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Ayano's POV

"N-no... W-why...?"
"We're supposed to avoid detection, stupid ! You get caught, you get outta here !"
The blonde and green haired girl was on her knees, sobbing.
"How pathetic... You're a disgrace to our gang." Kashiko said, laughing.
"And to think after that, you want mercy ?" Hissed Musume. "Go lick someone else's shoes."
The bullies left, leaving their "friend" behind. I checked the time. It was lunch time, they all went to the pool. It seemed Mizudori-san wouldn't follow. Perfect.
I walked up to her in the hallway.
"Hey there... Are you okay ?" I asked, putting on a fake act to seem concerned.
"Why do you care ? I-I... Didn't you see the video ?" She replied, looking away in shame.
"I did, but I still want to help you."
"Then you're the only one. Leave me be, don't you have anything better to do ?"
"Actually, no. Come on, you should eat something... You're very pale Mizudori-san..." I helped her up, and started walking towards the indoor cafeteria, not far from my trap.
The girl kept sniffing and looking down.
"Why do you help a bully with a ruined reputation ?" She asked again.
"I don't think you're a bully." I lied. Thankfully, the account on which I posted the video wasn't my main account. It had a different profile photo, a different username... She wouldn't know it was me.
"Maybe you were just mad at Puresu-san, which is why you said all these things... Right ?"
Mizudori-san knew it was wrong, but took advantage of my apparent ignorance, and nodded. I smiled.
"Here, take this and eat, you'll feel better." I said giving her a bag of chippus.
"Thank you... Um...?"
"Aishi Ayano. Nice to meet you." I beamed.
"Thank you Aishi-san, I'm very greatful." She said, smiling back."
We then ate in what people call "a comfortable silence". When we finished, it was time to go to class, so I got up and and waved.
"See you around..."
As I walked away I heard from behind Mizudori-san going towards the water fountain...
Smiling creepily, I didn't turn when she got electrocuted.
" hell."
Then I ran to class.

3rd POV
A corpse was discovered in front of the indoors cafeteria, on the second floor. The police was immediately called to investigate the matter. No student knew anything, strangely. No one was with the victim when it happened. She had been exposed for bullying earlier in the day, and no mark was present on her body. The police concluded she took her own life by electrocuting herself.

Three girls in the school however knew better. A glasses wearing hacker, a black haired girl and an emotionless killer all smiled.

She got what she deserved.
And it's hardly the end of it.

Akira's POV
It was clear to me that something was wrong.
Two deaths in less than a week ? Wow...
Well, not really two. But everybody assumed Dere-san was also dead.
On my first day, no one was harmed. Today was Wednesday and she disappeared yesterday. Maybe she wasn't dead... It was too soon to say so.
Mizudori-san was though. Had she really taken her life ? No one knew.
So many things happened in two days... I didn't get more info on why the council's treasurer seemed down. Hah, what a loser.
We had just been released. It was about 6 PM, we had to go home after the police investigation.
"H-hey ! Akira-san !" Said Gita, running over to me.
"Jeez, you walk fast ! Anyway, I just wanted to walk home with you, if you don't mind. I'm just a bit... Paranoid I guess ?"
I giggled.
"Sorry. And no, I don't mind at all ! It'll be cool, we can show each other where we live !" I replied, beaming.
"Cool ! Also, I brought friends." She winked, pointing to the music club members who were running after us.
Immediately I became more reserved. But it was alright, everyone was sweet and kind. We chatted for a while before going our separate ways. I began looking around me, cautious. Even if Mizudori-san's death was a suicide, a student had gone missing. I didn't want to. I didn't take any chances and ran the rest of the way home. Grabbing my keys, I unlocked the door in a frantic panic, slammed it behind me and locked it again.
Get a grip Akira, it's not like you will be targeted... Who would want to harm you ? No one cares, no one hates you. You're not popular, you're almost invisible ! 
I sighed.
And remembering what was in the case on my back, I grinned.
And started playing.

Shiromi's POV
This couldn't be. Again ? Really ?
Haha ! A suicide ! The police was incompetent, that was probably why it had been ridiculed for months ! Who was that dumb ?
It was obviously a murder to me. But how would I prove it ?
I think I might just have to find the culprit...

Too much time has passed. Dunno WHY on earth I can't get updates out at a regular pace. I'm really gonna try harder.
Bye !

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