𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2

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{Marcus pov}
I woke up and saw that Asra was asleep and I smiled and kissed him in the head and got up and and changed and went downstairs and wrote him a note saying "went to miss Nadia palace won't be back until later!" Then I heard a knock and opened it and saw the guards and the carriage and I smiled and closed the door behind and went to the carriage and then it started to move and I looked out the window and sighed and decided to lay back and take a nap. Few minutes passed and I was there and I woke up and the door opened and I got off and walked to the gate and it opened and I walked inside and then made it in the palace and then saw Nadia. "Oh Marcus! There you are, I was just asking for you" she said and smiled. "Hello Nadia" I smiled. "Come, come! I have visitors!" She said and with that she grabbed my hand and she walked a bit fast and I smiled and followed her. We had made it in the living room and there were 5 people there. "Hello everyone this is Marcus, the one I've been telling you guys about'' Nadia said. "Oh it the magician!?" Volta said. "Yes, his name is Marcus, Marcus this is Volta,Valdemar,Valerius,vulgora and vlastomil" she said. "Well it's nice to meet you all" I said. "Of very indeed little magician" Valdemar said while smiling creepy at me, I just smiled a bit and then shrugged it off. "Ah yes, another thing Marcus why I called you here, come sit down and we can talk about it." Nadia said. We all sat down and she started to talk. "My ex husband count Lucio got killed." She said but doesn't seem so sad about it. "Yes of course that night of during the plague lady Nadia ex husband got killed by doctor Julian but of course count Lucio was getting ill." Valdemar said to us while their mask was on. For some reason the name count Lucio seems so familiar for me or at least his name and for doctor Julian is too but not as much as count Lucio. "Yes, and I would like you to find doctor Julian and if you did we need you to report him to us as well so we can take him so he can hang him for justice." She said. "Hang him?! I mean I understand but what if it wasn't him who killed him? I mean I'm not saying doctor Julian isn't guilty I'm just saying we should ask him questions before killing him." I said

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