Maggies a DUDE?!

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Stretching my arms and letting out a yawn from waking up from my nap I walk in to the main room to see everyone surrounding hodge "his taste is both exquisite and quite excessive" pictures of Maggie pull up onto the screen.

Walking over to them I ask "guys why are we looking at him?" They turn to me "he's the one who took clary's memories, we're gonna get him to give them back" Jace answers. I nod leaning onto Alec letting out another yawn closing my eyes as an arm is wrapped around me pulling me close.

"....someone needs to get slayed" Izzy says.

"Alec's right, Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known and he has a deep mistrust for shadow hunters" hodge explains as I mutter to myself "not all of them"

"Then why did he help my mom remove my memories? isn't she a shadowhunter?" Clary questions.

"Yes, one of the best, but help might not be the most accurate word. Now did Magnus provide a service for Jocelyn? Perhaps. But more than likely you're mother paid Magnus handsomely for his magic." Hodge replied.

"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything"Jace added.
"Word from the clave is most warlocks have gone into hiding since valentine begun hunting them" Alec says from behind me.

"Valentine must be searching for the warlock who aided Jocelyn-"hodge began before his rune began to burn him making him wince in pain.

"Hodge your rune, you ok?" He nods as he goes back to the task at hand.
"So how do we find Magnus?" Clary asks. "We don't be finds us"

"We set up a meeting, somewhere protected, lure him out of hiding" thinking back to the last conversation I had with Maggie I speak up "and I know just the place" I pull up a poster of the party on the tablet letting everyone see.

"A downworld rave? Nice Lizzie" Jace compliments while Alec questions "where'd you get that?" As I turn to him "like I've mentioned countless times before, I know people" I sass standing up properly.

We soon followed hodge into the training room, hodge held up a necklace which had a sparkling red gem attached to it. "Is that real?" Izzy questions eyes not leaving the beautiful stone.

"A four karat unheated Burmese ruby" hodge began explaining Maggie's love life whilst I close my eyes resting my head on Jaces shoulder ignoring the look clary gave me.

Jace gently taps my head as a way of telling me to get up "I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange a meeting" Jace says and I cut in "no need, I'll do it" walking off so no would could go against it.

Walking into izzys room once finishing the call with Maggie, I see a mess of clothes everywhere one particular item of clothing taking my interest "hey is that my new top?" I ask picking up said clothing. Izzy sheepishly smiles "we always wear each others stuff" her weak excuse making me send her a playful glare "I haven't even worn it yet!" I argue back "I know but it looked so-" we were cut off by clary walking out in a tight black dress which fit her small frame perfectly.

"Whoa, you look hot!" I smile as Izzy sighs "you're so lucky to have a flat chest, I can never wear that without a bra" she turns to me now it's your turn. She pulls out a black mini dress with lace.

 She pulls out a black mini dress with lace

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