Harsh mothers and missing redheads

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It was the next morning and Lizzie had woken up in her bed after passing out the night before, she wondered how she made it here, then figured Alec had brought her.

Guilt all of a sudden crowded her, she was the reason Clary didn't get her memories back. But surely it wasn't entirely her fault, they couldn't have asked her to give one of the few and limited memories of her parents up. She wouldn't she couldn't, it would've been like giving a piece of her away, a piece she would never get back.

Sighing she stood up and got ready for the day, knowing it was that one day a month that she had to do. Realizing the long day ahead of her she got dressed, grabbed her apron putting it on, set out the chairs and such, and finally opened her bedroom door letting everyone know that she was ready for them.


Clary and Isabelle were walking through the institute "hey what's with the queue?" Clary questioned the younger Lightwood.

"Once a month Lizzie opens up a little salon type of thing where everyone in the institute can go and get their hair done and stuff, They pay Lizzie to give them haircuts and spa treatment." Isabelle explains.

"They allow this?" Clary questions "surprisingly yes, and surprisingly she's actually quite good at it. It was meant to be a punishment at first but then she started to actually enjoy it" she says motioning to a girl who had just walked out with her newly styled hair.

"Next!" Lizzie yelled as a male shadowhunter stepped into her room. Isabelle walked to the front of the line pulling clary along with her.

"Hey no cutting in!" One of the girls yelled, Isabelle turned to her "she's my parabatai" shrugging sending her a sickly sweet smile before entering the room.

Flopping onto Lizzie's bed besides Alec who was sat there glaring at the guy as he attempted to flirt with Lizzie whilst she fixed his hair.

"Ok listen love if you don't shut the hell up, I'll shave all your hair off and I'm sure that will work well with all the so called "ladies" your bragging about" Lizzie snapped at him her eyes meeting with Alecs for a split second sending him a smirk before going back to what she was doing.

"Hey uh where's Jace?" Lizzie not even looking up said "don't know" whilst simultaneously pointing towards her bathroom.

Quietly clary stood up along with Isabelle and knocked on the door to see it unlocked and walking in they saw a sight to remember.

Jace was sat there with his feet in a bucket of water, whilst his hair had coloring in it and a magazine in one hand whilst the other held a cup of tea. Looking up at the red headed beauty he had grown a crush on and his sister he scrambled to come up with some sort of justification "it's not what it looks like" the girls both sent him looks.

"Really?" Clary questions. Lizzie then walks in after finishing her client. "Ok Jace I'm gonna wash out the dye and then we'll uh see what you want to do with it" jaces eyes widened "dye?" They ask as he shakes his head "I uh... look my hair is my most prized possession, I need to take care of it" he sighs "and if that means highlights, conditioning, and plumping so be it" Lizzie added laughing.

"What about you clary? I'll do you free as an apology for last night, you didn't get your memories because of me" Lizzie says looking down slightly. Shaking her head clary responds "no thank you Lizzie, and it wasn't your fault, I understand why you did what you did, you couldn't lose them. Besides seeing Jace like this is payment enough"

Alec watched in amusement as the girls teased his parabatai, "so how long has he been doing this?" Izzy questioned "long enough, I mean I only started this when I was what? 16 and I'm 20 now so.... 4 years, he didn't want anyone to see, so me being the nice sister I am shoved him in the bathroom" Lizzie explained blow drying jaces hair before finishing up "and your done, look at that shine" he stands up to see himself in the mirror.

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