The world now

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The year is 2050. Electronics have evolved a lot the past few years. Humanity has arrived in a new modern era, much more advanced than it ever was.

One of the many advancements is the great improvement of prosthetic body parts. After a world war that happened not even 10 years before, many people lost part of their body, not just soldiers, the biggest injuries were under the citizens of many countries because of heavy bombardments. The war was barely 2 years long, but the destruction was more than world war 1 and 2 combined. The war had gone too far, soon after it ended all the money was used to rebuild the countries and investing in the medical field to help as many people as possible. Big tech companies invested in the creation of the best prosthetic body parts the world has ever seen, even to the extent of making a working eye.

They succeeded, and the ones who lost body parts in the war got prosthetic replacements, they didn't always look realistic, but they worked almost exactly like the real would. But there was always the change of not being able to feel touch on those body parts, this, until now, is still not possible.

Another thing that happened in the war was trying to create a superhuman, an unkillable supersoldier. This was first done as a secret experiment in the USA. No one except the scientists knew about it. Soon it was found that it was not worth the risk getting more people killed in these experiments. Only 5.3% of the people injected with the so called "superhuman serum" survived, and the ones who did got disabled, some part of their body barely still worked, some just stopped. Since this was all still experimental, there wasn't a cure, people had to live with disabilities for the rest of their life.

After all of this was found, the superhuman serum experiments got shut down, yet this didn't stop people from trying. When the war was over, many illegal serum labs got shut down and the scientists locked up. Some still remain, but they only work in deep secret.

It has also come to a point where scientists can make humans from DNA. This was soon after the superhuman serum experiments were shut down. The scientists found out it's not that hard to make a human like that, but there were many moral rules attached to it, yet some didn't care about those, they tried to make a superhuman from basically nothing. At the start of this year, this has been make strictly forbidden and can get you up to the death sentence.

This does not stop everyone from trying to make humans in a lab, growing them in tubes. Scientists are still trying to make a superhuman, but in absolute secret.


To clarify, this is not a Harry Potter story, this is something completely different, everything I made up myself

I hope you're interested to see what'll happen in this story

I probably won't post consistently, since the free time I have is getting low. Just have patience

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