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{Tracer's pov}

After watching tv with Genji after a while, people start entering the room. Brigitte walks into the room rubbing her eyes, she yawns and gives an annoyed look like something is bothering her, I look to her left and I immediately know why. Reinhardt is up and filled with energy, it's no surprise why Brigitte wouldn't be upset when there's a 7 foot, loud and big German man cackling and joking in the morning.
Next comes in Mei, she walks in shy, wearing her summer games pajamas along with snowball floating happily next to her. Winston also walks in, he's smiling, and saying hi to all of us. I greet them and give them big hugs. They all walk into the cafe for breakfast and expect me to join them. However.. my eyes are glued to the door. She's.. woah...

I see Angela's medium length hair bounce as she steps in, it's like liquid golden silk, she's tired, I can tell. She's wearing black leggings, a black shirt and her white lab coat. She doesn't notice me looking at her.. at least I think. My cheeks are bright red... why am I acting like this? I never act like this around my friends. My mind wonders to the point I don't realize Angela is staring right at me. I blink and I give her a smile, she gives me one back. She goes over to the couch I'm sitting on and puts out her hand for me to take. I don't decline. She may be a bit taller than me... but it's not a huge difference.

"Ah, Lena! How did you sleep?"

"I slept quite well Dr. Ziegler... however it was a bit chilly and I didn't want to get out of bed.."

Angela laughs, "Me either! That's why I'm a bit late... but will you join me with the others?"

Angela's laugh sounds so... well... Angelic.

"I would love to!!!" I smile and walk besides her.

We sit down at a table and Reinhardt shouts out to Hana

"Why don't you join us for some REAL food?!"

Hana looks up from her game and scoffs before letting out a small giggle. "Sure old man!" She walks over to our table and sits on the side of me.
We all order our breakfast and wait for the omnic-like server to get us our food.
After 20 minutes of us chatting about random things our food arrives.
Reinhardt gets a huge protein filled platter with eggs, sausage, bacon, anything you would imagine a big fella like him would eat.
Brigitte gets some pancakes with a side of bacon and sausage.
Hana gets the same thing as Brigitte.
Mei gets an egg, rice, and some ramen.
Winston gets some peanut butter toast along with some pancakes as well,
And Genji gets the same thing as Mei, however he ordered an extra portion of rice.
I look down at my plate, simple British dish. Beans on toast, eggs, and a cup of hot tea.
Angela ordered avocado toast with some coffee. She also got a slice of  Swiss chocolate cake.

We all eat our food and chat about how our stays have been so far, when we will start training, and whatever we need catching up on. After breakfast we all go our separate ways once again. Reinhardt and Brigitte go to the gym room, Hana goes to her room to game some more, and Genji joins her. Winston goes to the lab to work on some upgrades for my accelerator, and Mei goes out for a walk in the snow.
I walk to my room and as I open it I'm greeted with a sweet voice.

"Lena? Are you busy?"

I look at her, getting butterflies in my stomach again. "Me? Oh no. I'll probably just fill out some more legal paperwork for overwatch's return. Why do you ask?"

She looks at me. "Well there's not much a medic can do when no one is injured.. would you like some company?"

I smile and nod my head. We walk into my room and I shut the door. We joke and laugh for what seems to be hours. I don't even know if I finished a single sheet of paperwork. But that doesn't matter. I'm talking to someone who makes me feel so alive inside. Someone who I trust so deeply. And suddenly, I feel something deep down. A feeling I've never felt before.. oh what am I saying. Me? Liking another overwatch agent? Never.


Thank you for reading!

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