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as i started walking through the hallways i became more nervous this new school thing was giving me a panic attack since i never really changed a school in my life before but i had to move to another city.i had to move on from what happened it was an accident it was never my intention i can never forgive myself for what happened but the least i can do is continue studying for my future

"lalisa monaban right"i was cut from reminiscing about my past when i heard a voice i turned around and saw a boy"yes i'm lalisa manoban" answering his question and giving a confused look as to how he knows my name, he understood right away and replied "you're supposed to be at the principals office i've been searching for you,the principal told me to look for you since he thought you might be lost otherwise u would've arrived untill now i am the schools student council president so he assigned this job to me" he answered everything i wanted to know in one go.i gave him a sorry smile and said"im sorry for troubling you, you must've have been looking for me for quite a while now" he smiled and said"you dont have to be sorry its my duty so its not a big deal" i smiled back at him and nodded,than he said "ok lets go now our principals waiting for you" i nodded again and he started leading the way.

as we were walking through the unfamiliar hallways another question lingered my head so i asked him "how did you regocnize me" he looked at me and slightly chuckled and said"is'nt it obvious you looked lost in these hallways and since im the school pesident i know every single person here"i laughed awkwardly at his reply feeling stupid for asking him such a question.

we walked just a little more and we already reached the princpal office "ok so here we are i'll be going now since my work here is done,i'll see you when i see you" he said the last sentenced in a joking manner i laughed, and then he turned around and was raising his hand too wave at me but i suddenly spoke "oh wait i forgot to ask your name, whats your name"making him stop in his track he turned around and smiled at me"seokjin,kim seokjin but you can call me jin " he said"oh thank thanks jin i hope we can be friends" i smiled "oh why not lets be friend lets meet during lunch since we don't really know what class your gonna get" he said "ok then lets meet during lunch,ok bye for now"i said"bye bye" he replied and then we waved at each other he walked away and i went into the principals office .



I knocked on the principles door and entered after hearing a "come in" she walked in and bowed in respect after seeing the principal "good morning miss manoban i'm your principal my name is kwon jiyong but you can call me principal gd" he smiled and said,he looked like a nice person and he was young which is very rare for school principals but im not complaining"good morning principal gd" i said with the same smile he gave me "ok so miss manoban i should give you your schedule now so that you can get to your class in time" he said whilst handing me a paper on which my schedule was written i thanked him then he said " ill lead your way to your first class since i'm gonna take a round of school and after that i'll tell someone to give you a tour of our school during your free period" i thanked him again and started following him since he was leading.

it wasn't long untill we reached our destination and he wished me luck for my first day of school and walked away

now i was standing infront of my classroom door, before entering i inhaled and exhaled some air after some seconds i finally opened the door and entered the class just as i heard the teacher saying

"class we have a new student"








"class we have a new student" just as he said those words a girl entered our class, everybody started looking at her direction,as she moved she oozed this amazing and confident aura because of which nobody could take their eyes of her even me who wouldn't give a single fu*k about anyone at this school.

As she walked to middle of the class where our teacherwas standing she stood straight besides him and he spoke "class this our newstudent lets get to know her ok" as he said those word he turned towards herand said "miss introduce yourself to the class" the girl came forward nervous Icould tell from the way she was hesitant in coming forward that shes nervousand then she started speaking forcing a smile to wipe the nervousness off ofher face" hi class my name is lalisa manoban but you all can call me lisa" her introduction was quite small but to the point.

"ok lisa you can take your seat beside chaeyoung, chaeyoung raise your hand so that she knows where shes gonna sit" I was quite startled when he suddenly called my name I couldn't comprehend what was happening for a moment but I raised my hand anyways then she started coming towards my direction and I figured what was happening,she was gonna sit besides me so I moved to window side since I did not wanted to loose my window seat.she quitely sat beside me and started to place her things infront of the table.i ignored her for the time being since I knew she doesn't want to talk to me nobody does,but she suddenly turned towards me and spoke"hi I'm lisa whats your name" I was quite shock that she spoke to me I looked left and right to confirm she was speaking to me then she spoke again"I'm talking to you" she smiled confirming my question so I spoke"ohh..h h..hi I'm chaeyoung"I mentally facepalmed myself for stuttering,she laughed at my stuttering state and spoke again"you don't need to be nervous,I'm way more nervous than you that's why I just need someone to talk to so that I can calm my nerves down"she stated honestly I smiled playfully at her honesty and extended my hands for her to shake and spoke"lets be friends so that we can both calm our nerves"I don't know where I got the courage for that but somehow I felt like saying that and I don't regret it at all.she laughed and shook my hands whilst saying"yeah sure why not I would love to be friends with you chaeyoung"I smiled at her and just as on cue our teacher told us to take out our books  and we did.





          posting this again since i forgot to copy paste the whole story form my word office before lol

anyways dont worry guys bts will soon make an appearance :)

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