#21 || When trust is gone

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*Two days later*

-Jungwoo's POV-

At the photoshoot, I made the right decision to keep my head up and be calm around Hyunsu and Seyeon, but yesterday made me a question about the choice I made by stepping out of that friendship Hyunsu is making with her. Ella was right, she doesn't see that Hyunsu and the rest of his friends are behind her, and what scares me the most is that she's starting to be closer to him in a personal way.

Yesterday, we planned to see each other after my practice with NCT 127, but she cancelled it as soon as Hyunsu asked her to help him out with the essay he needed to do for his credits. I was beyond furious when that happened; after all, this isn't the first time that she has done that this week. I think I'm starting to be the underdog in this relationship; the bottom, and I feel I'm not important to her anymore. Due to what happened, Sicheng and Lucas had been telling me to talk with her, even though I'm against a fight taking place between us.

This morning, I went to see Seyeon's uncle, and I talked to him about the situation since I want to do things right. Everything I want is to make sure I'm taking the good choices here; after all, I can't let her go this easy. He was straightforward with his opinion about the situation, he was glad that I took the risk of talking with her and told me that I have all of his support. He told me to go for it, and confront this situation bravely.

It has been nearly an hour after talking with her uncle, and I'm now back at the campus. I searched for Ella as soon as I arrived, and I told her to keep another plan prepared if this didn't work. At this point in our relationship, I know Seyeon like the palm of my hand, and I well know that she won't listen to me if I involve Somi again with any sort of situation.

I'm walking inside the music classroom as I could hear her sing, and since I didn't recognize that song, I concluded that it was a new song she's working on.

I stood outside the door while listening to her a little more, then I shook my head gently as I tried to take some courage. Without hesitating more, I got inside the classroom and walked towards her.

-Hello, mister, I haven't seen you this day. – She smiled while looking at me, but as soon as she noticed the seriousness on my face, her smile faded. –We've been on the edge of fighting for the last week. So, yell it out. – Seyeon sighed.

-You know I don't want to fight. So, I don't get why you are trying to hurt me like this. – I spoke.

-Hurt you? By what? By having friends and leaving my agony in the past? – She questioned seriously while closing her notebook.

-You know who he is, and I already told you to be careful, but you don't really care what I tell you, don't you? – I said annoyed.

-He has changed; he's not the same. – Seyeon assured.

-The same old excuse, the ones that him uses as an excuse every time, Seyeon. Don't you see it? – I questioned. –I know, I damn well know that Hyunsu is on Somi's side, and this is going to be a way to hurt you. – I told her.

-Stop with Somi! She's gone and for once in my life, I can live without fear, why can't you see that? – Seyeon questioned, upset.

-Are you kidding me? – I asked surprised before looking away from her. –I'm the one who wants you to be happy, I'm the one who has always tried his best to make you happy, and that's why I'm trying to warn you before it's too late. – I stated seriously.

-You don't understand my situation, Jungwoo. He's my friend, and you are hurting me by saying those things. – Seyeon said while putting her stuff inside her backpack.

-No, don't go because I'm leaving. This absolutely ridiculous. – I sighed, frustrated. –You are totally blind, and you don't see this is the "surprise" Somi talked to us about before she left! You don't see it! – I said, upset while walking towards the entrance.

-Don't dare to go this way, Jungwoo. Don't even dare! – Seyeon said seriously.

-Do whatever you want. – I said while holding the handle of the door, then I looked at her. –I broke down my shell because of you, I showed you what others begged me to reveal before you arrived, and now you do this. Are you kidding me? I do love you, and that's why I came here searching for this fight I tried to avoid all week long; I came here just to make you see what I'm trying to keep away from you. – I disclosed as my tears started to drop.

I immediately rubbed them off my face, and looked at her angrier.

-When something bad happens, I'll be there to rescue you, but don't even think for one second that I'll be the same with you. – I stated before getting out of the classroom.

I slammed the door behind me before walking towards the hallway, but just a few steps more before I reloaded my back against the wall and slid down onto my knees. I started to sob while being on the floor, suddenly, I felt a tight hug around me which made me lookup.

-You did the best you could. – Lucas said as he cleaned up my tears from my cheeks.

-I'm so mad. – I stuttered.

-I know you are. Come on, let's get some drinks up. – Lucas chuckled.

I nodded as he helped me to stand up, and then we walked together towards the exit of the building.

-You do know that she's just blinded, right? – Lucas asked.

-I do, but I won't forgive her. – I stated.

-I know you are hurt, but that's going to hurt you more. – He told me.

I shook my head. –She didn't trust me, Lucas. So, what's going to hurt me more? – I questioned mournfully.

-She does trust you, but you have to remember that knowing about Somi's intentions, might be one huge deal for her. – Lucas pointed out. –I know you, hyung. And I know you won't leave her alone. – He spoke.

-I will be there to defend her if something else happens, but I won't run to her right away. I hate when people don't trust me. – I stated.

-Fine, I know I'm not going to change your mind. – Lucas sighed. –Just don't be too harsh. – Lucas asked before patting my back.

I held onto him as we walked out of the building, and at this point, I could only feel sorry for me and her.

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