#24 || The Good & The Bad

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-Jungwoo's POV-

I'm caressing Seyeon's hair while watching how she's slowly waking up. I tried to put her asleep before, but her body insists on awakening. At first, I thought she was having nightmares, yet I quickly noticed that she wanted to wake up. I didn't want to disturb her so, I let her fall asleep once again, and ever since then, I've been caressing her skin and hair.

I'm trying my best to keep wrong thoughts coming inside my head. One part from me wants to change my mind about what happened, I want to be angry and let her know that she shouldn't doubt me. But the rest of my body is asking me for compassion; to give her all the support I can. Here is the moment I realized that the love I have for Seyeon is stronger than I thought.

As for now, I was able to calm down my thoughts of making me doubt my actions. And Seyeon is continuing to wake up; I feel that she doesn't want to come back to her cruel reality. After all, I do believe that this was a low blow, and the surprise that Somi had for her was more than she can take.

-Babe? – I murmured while looking at her.

-Hmm, J-Jungwoo? – She glanced at me, confused before gently rubbing her eyes. -Why are you here? Where's Ella? – Seyeon asked.

-With the neighbour. She wanted us to be alone. – I explained.

-Oh, and you agreed with that? – She asked, surprised.

-Yes, I don't see why that is new to you. – I slightly smiled while caressing her arm.

-I thought I made you feel upset after the argument we had. – Seyeon admitted.

I shook my head. -Maybe you didn't hear me when said that I wasn't mad at you. – I guessed.

-I did hear from you, but I thought you only said if after you saw what happened. – She spoke.

-Well, I didn't say it because of that. – I assured.

She nodded before looking at my knuckles. I didn't even notice that they ended terribly. Some blood on it, and open cuts on them. I could feel the pain, but I guess I didn't care about it.

-How hard did you hit him? – She asked.

-I don't know; I just know that I left him with a broken mouth and a bleeding eye. – I said.

She speechlessly looked at me, and briefly, she slightly chuckled. I laughed along with her before she kissed my cheek.

-Thank you. And I hope that doesn't cause you problems. – Seyeon slightly smiled.

-No, don't worry about that. I will handle everything. – I assured. -But now that you are awake, I want to talk about SBS's project. I'll understand if you don't want to continue with it. – I spoke.

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