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Camila is clumsy when we return. They all are, in fact, but none more than Larsen. Still, my focus is on my girlfriend as I help her stumble onto the bus and towards the back where the others are beginning to gather. I ease her onto the sofa before slipping away into the kitchen. Maria is there, but she only looks me up and down briefly before leaving. I watch as she slips into her bunk before turning and splaying my palms against the cool counter, attempting to gather myself.

My world seemed to go from the intense club to the muffled quiet of the night far too quickly for my mind to comprehend, leaving me feeling almost as though I'm in another world. That, paired with the offer Larsen made me—subtly revealing a small plastic baggie in his pocket with a smirk on his face—is enough to send me reeling. I'd declined, of course, but I'd hesitated, and that worries me.

I focus on the feeling of the worktop beneath my hot palms and take a deep breath. My eyes fly open when arms slide around my waist, but I relax when I feel familiar lips on my neck. As if knowing of my internal struggle, Camila pulls me further against her, laying her hands over mine and intertwining our fingers. I hum softly and turn my head to meet her lips, but she doesn't seem to notice as she swiftly leaves me to stumble to the fridge, pulling yet another bottle of beer from the bottom drawer. Then, as suddenly as she appeared, she slips away to the back room once more, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Sighing, I follow in her footsteps, grabbing a bottle of my own before heading to the back. One drink won't do much harm, and it doesn't seem she's going to stop any time soon.

She smiles as if proud when I sink beside her and she notices the drink in my hand. She passes hers to Kay—who quickly passes it off to Larsen who is slouched against the sofa, staring up at the ceiling—before pulling me into her lap. She doesn't take the bottle from my hand as she takes a sip then leads it to my own mouth, and if I'm being honest, I feel a little better knowing that we'll be sharing.

I don't get much down before I'm sinking against her, eyes falling shut.


When I wake, Camila has already left our bunk, though I'm glad to still hear her and the others on the bus. Thought my eyelids are heavy, I emerge from the bunk and stretch out my back, grinning when she meets my eye from the kitchen. She smiles and looks back at the coffee maker. I notice how she attempts to subtly adjust the shorts she's wearing and try to hide my blush, though I think we are equally unsuccessful, judging by the look Kay shoots our ways from where she is perched on the sofa. I send her a polite smile before starting towards Camila, but no sooner do I take a step does Larsen burst onto the bus, being chased by James and Elijah, all three of them laughing loudly. I step aside to avoid being crashed into in the narrow hallway and watch with wide eyes as each of them thunder to the back of the bus. As they pass, I hear a quiet thud and look to my feet, where I find a small white paper bag. I glance at it, then at the boys as they race back the other way. As they pass without stopping for it, I turn my attention to the women, though they're all paying me no mind as they joke about the boys' antics. I bend to retrieve the bag, carefully peering inside. My eyes almost bulge out of my head.

"What is that?" The woman I still don't know the name of asks from directly beside me. I quickly hide the bag by my side and look up to her with wide eyes. God, she's tall.

"Nothing." I shake my head, old instincts kicking in. "Medicine... for my scar."

She frowns slightly but nods, passing me to join Kay on the sofa. Sighing, I slip into the bathroom and lock the door, peeling open the bag once more and cautiously looking inside, as though it's contents might leap out at me.

I figure it must've fallen out of one of the boys' pockets, likely Larsen's if yesterday's offer was any clue. Inside the bag sit three small baby-blue pills.  I tilt and shake the bag until one lands in my palm. It doesn't take much to identify the small inlaid letter as the logo for Blu, confirming my suspicion. My hand seems to burn, and I toss the pill back into the bag, scrumpling the top in my fist. Even Zach wouldn't touch Blu. He'd claim it was just too expensive, but I know he was afraid; money was never an issue for him when it came to his drugs.

I stare into my reflection in the mirror above the sink, though unseeing. Larsen must be in some deep shit if he's on this sort of thing. I convince myself I'm doing him a favor when I drop the bag into the pocket of my sweatpants, flushing the toilet and washing my hands so as not to seem suspicious before leaving the bathroom. The bag seems too heavy in my pocket as I make myself breakfast, but the feeling soon fades away when Camila's lips are all over my face as though she hasn't seen me in forever.

She groans softly and I assume the cause is the same as the reason for the slight bulge in her pants, only noticeable to those highly familiar with her body, but she pulls away and brings a hand to her forehead, closing her eyes tightly.

"Baby, can you get me a painkiller? I'm so hungover." She asks, her voice strained. I nod and head back into the bathroom, where the medicine cabinet is situated. I don't realize I'm staring until she calls out, "Babe?" I hurry out with a pill between my fingers, gently dropping it into her mouth when she closes her eyes and tips her head back, mouth open. She smiles and swallows the pill dry, murmuring, "Good girl," as she hums a soft tune and runs her fingernails along my spine, causing wave after wave of goosebumps.

Larsen briefly returns to the bus and looks around on the floor, hiding his distress well, but I stay silent. I'm doing him a favor, I remind myself. I just need to dispose of them.

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