She Wouldn't Mind

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Tour isn't how I remember it.

As time passes, I learn more about my new place. It's a harsh fall to go from the only thing on her mind to the last, but I can't blame her. I'm thankful I'm lucky enough to be the one she comes to each night—or, most nights. The last few days, Maria has been having nightmares, and Camila has been attempting to soothe her. Whether she slept with her or me, I'm unsure, as I'm always asleep before she can return and awake only after she's already had her morning coffee.

When we arrive at my city, which I only know because she finally keeps a slightly closer eye on me, as though she thinks I'll try to return to my previous life—only slightly, because she lets me spend a day with Ariana—I attempt to both reassure and regain her by inviting her on a date. I keep it simple, offering to meet her at a small diner within walking distance of the venue she'll be performing at tonight.

I've been waiting here in a window booth for around forty-five minutes, and I arrived just five minutes earlier than our agreed-on time. After ten minutes, a waiter came to say I had to order something, and I've already finished the water I asked for. In my boredom, I've counted the ceiling tiles, all 52 of them, and played guess-which-colour-the-next-car-will-be through the window. With a sigh, I push my hands into my pockets to check for the hundredth time if she's texted me, but my fingers come into contact with something else. I frown and look down, pulling the strange object into view. My lips part when I find the pills I'd forgotten about.

I whip my head up and look around the diner, though what I'm looking for, even I don't know.

I can't, I have Camila.

But she doesn't exactly care. She knows what Larsen does, and she lets him act all buddied up with me. She wouldn't mind... right?

I push up from my seat and head to the door, planning to walk back to the bus. My feet, however, have other plans and lead me to the restroom. Before I can really think about it, I hold one of the pills in my shaking palm.

She wouldn't mind.

I toss it back and swallow before I can change my mind.

It's only one tiny pill, how bad can it be? I ask myself and wash my hands before returning to my seat, hoping she might still turn up. Maybe she's just running late, stuck in a rehearsal or with Maria. My lips curl at the thought of the girl taking my place, cousin or not.

The waiter returns, and I order a portion of fries, sure that Camila won't mind that either. As I wait for them to arrive, I distract myself by scrolling through Instagram. The deeper I scroll, however, the harder it becomes to focus. Before long, I'm lost in the sounds of distant laughter. The world seems to spin around me as I try to turn the volume down, thinking the source is my phone, but nothing seems to work.

Before I know it, I hear my mother's voice calling my name and look up to see her striding towards me. The moment my eyes meet hers, the laughter stops and my phone seems to dematerialise from my hand. My brows crease as she reaches out and pulls me up to standing, asking if I'm okay. She can't be real, can't be here, but her hand is soft in mine, warm like she's alive. My mouth doesn't work; all I can mumble are half-sentences that surely make no sense. She leads me out of the diner and the moment we step outside, her face falls away to reveal Camila's.

"What...?" My breathing picks up, and I dig my heels into the floor.

Her words blur together like the rest of the world, but I manage to make out the question, "Come on, baby, it's time to—"

My senses come back to me and I start trying to tug her back into the diner. "We're supposed to be on a date."

She sighs softly, pulling me back. "I know, but I was late and now we have to go back. I'm sorry."

I frown at her and turn once more. "But we're on a date. We have to go get milkshakes and- and have fun, and—"

Once again, she pulls me back, and I fall into her. For a moment, I feel like I fall all the way through her body, but then realise I'm flush against her front with her arms wrapped around me.

"Did you eat today?" She asks, her voice dripping with the care I'm craving. I sigh contently and let my vision blur.

I frown, wracking my brain, then, "Fries," I answer.

"You mean those fries?" She points through the window where I see, on the table I was seated at, an odd tower of fries that I probably wouldn't be able to build while sober. I could've sworn I can remember eating them, though.

I don't speak, too caught up in my own confusion, and simply allow myself to be led down the road by her. All I can think while she berates me for not having eaten is how nice it feels for her to care about me, how warm her body is, and how bouncy the pavement suddenly feels.

The moment we reach the bus, I'm overcome with exhaustion. Whether I ignore or simply don't hear Camila speaking, I'm not sure, but I pay her no mind as I sink down on the pleather sofa, fully clothed and stuff wearing my shoes. Across from me, Larsen sends me an odd look. I smile, remembering that he's the one who dropped the pills and therefore the one who made Camila care about me again, and watch as his face twists and turns and becomes one giant eyeball. My eyes widen before slamming shut to block out the horrendous sight, and I can't shake the nagging in my mind that he knows, he knows, he knows.

A hand touches my leg, and I flinch, gasping and sitting up and squinting at the bright light shining into my eyes. It takes me much too long to realise it's from a phone's flashlight.

"Come to bed, baby," Camila's voice echoes. I want to argue, reminding her that she has to perform, but I don't think any words actually make it out while she strips me to my underwear and gently guides me into the bunk, sliding in behind me.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" She asks, but my body drifts away before I can respond, my mind following quickly after as I'm taken into the world of sleep.

When I wake up, surprisingly early enough for Camila to still be behind me, my mind is still a little hazy. It isn't overwhelming like last night, which I really don't remember much of besides the feeling of being so loved, but is just enough to make my senses feel alive. Everything feels more; more vibrant, stronger, more sensitive. So much so, I fact, that I moan when her fingertips softly brush my stomach.

"Mm, good morning, little duck," she hums behind me, driving her fingers lower. When she ever so subtly circles my sensitive clit through my underwear, my body feels alight and my ears begin to ring. I push my hips back into her, lips held tight between my teeth to keep from making too much noise. The movement causes her hand to slip away from me, granting me a moment to gather myself. I reach back and grasp her over her sweatpants but she sighs and rolls out of reach, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

"As much as I appreciate it," she husks, and the sound of her voice alone is enough to make my eyes roll back in my head, "I have to get up."

With that, she leaves the bunk, a cool breeze rushing in to take her place. I'm left reeling in the bunk, each slight movement of the air seeming to send tingles to my lower half. My toes curl until they ache, and lips already feel raw. I briefly hear her attempting to wake Maria, but my tactile senses are so intense that they override any others. I decide to try to sleep it off.

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