Legends AU

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edit: this is full of fluff, enjoy fellow shinkai shippers!

There is a legend about a pair of true love and fate. It's not that known anymore, but those who still do are doing their best to make it be remembered. Even the sleuth Kudo Shinichi knows about it, though he feels strangely connected to it.

There once was a dragon and an unicorn, two races that weren't supposed to meet. As the dragon was all alone, the unicorn fled from his home, just wanting to be free from the other's shackles. He wanted to stand on his own feet, be known for himself, not for the things his family did.

And so he ran inside a forest, admiring the beauty of the world, before he stops to look up. Slowly, a small fire crawled along the branch, making it fall down, just to be stepped upon. A big, white claw distinguishing the flame, stopping it from spreading. The black steed with pure, azure eyes looked into indigo, reptilian ones, a jolt of fate rocking through both their bodies.

They played, showed off their abilities and had fun as never before, together, dragon and unicorn. The two of them learned a lot from and about another, already making plans for the next day. Everything was perfect in their own little magical world, just them and nobody else. But even that had to end one day.

The family of the unicorn noticed his absence and went to search for him, spreading out through the wide lands. It was on a day where the horned steed went to pluck a few flowers and some greenery for his love that the others found the dragon.

The big reptile slept on a big puddle of crimson petals, the same petals they had played with before going to sleep. Thinking it was the missing unicorn's blood the leader ran towards the dragon and stabbed it, the long horn going straight through the right half of the beast's heart. And filled with pain, panic and horror the dragon breathed his last fire, killing the whole herd.

The black steed dropped his findings as he heard his lover's cry of anguish, but when he arrived it was already too late. He felt something deep inside of him awaken, his eyes flickering red in the full moon's light. He cried and cried and cried, never stopped, his sorrowful tears colliding with the scaled, white skin. Instead of rolling down though, the pearls first soaked into the leathery material.

The dragon was healed, but the unicorn didn't even register it, leaving with a few stray tears still falling to the ground, leaving a trail of fate. They haven't seen each other since and it is said even now they search for one another, still deep in love.

Shinichi doesn't know why, but he truly feels connected to the legend, as if he, too, is still searching for something very dear to him. Something he desperately wants by his side- no, not something, it's someone, an important person. He can't shake of this feeling, especially so by judging the weird things happening lately. But not just lately, it actually happened quite some time ago.

The first time something weird and unusual happened was when he saw how his best friend Ran was hurt. She was shoved around by a small group of bullies one or two years older than them and then fell to the ground. Her knee had a nasty cut from a stone that stuck out from the ground, bleeding quite a lot for such a wound.

The Kudo heir was so angry, chasing off the bullies, getting hurt in the process. But he didn't care about himself, he just worried about his friend. When he placed his hand on the wounded limb a gasp of shock came from both children. Shinichi watched with surprise and curiousity as Ran's injury closed before his own eyes. But those weren't the only shocked gasps that sounded at that moment. Yuusaku and Yukiko both had seen what their son was capable of, filled with worry and concern.

It's not everyday that you see someone heal a wound with just a touch. It only exists in legends, fairytales and maybe the wiccan lifestyle. Uncommon, actually unheard of nowadays, but apparently possible. The boy's parents strictly forbid him from using his powers unless they specifically give the green light. Well, and lately it had become worse.

Shinkai OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora