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                                                                 Amber's POV

It's not that I hate my life. I don't. I have no worries. No chores since the maid, Betty does them all. And, I am homeschooled. I have a perfect life! So it seems! I never get out, my parents are never home, I don't have any friends. The only people I have to keep me company is my younger brother Jordan, and my 2 cats, named Kitty and Juniour. Junior's a tabby cat, and Kitty's a black cat. My parents wouldn't allow me to buy them, so I have to hide them in my walk- in- closet. I know what your thinking. THAT MONSTER KEEPS HER CATS IN A CLOSET! But y9ou don't understand how big my closet is. Let's help you get an idea. It's probably like, the sixe of your whole main floor! So, it's really not that cruel.

 Honestly, I decided I was tired of having to stay home all day, 24/7. So, while my parents were at work, and my brother was at a dentist appointment, I snuck out. I walked along the long sidewalk, not knowing where to go. After about 3 hours of wandering around, I realized I was lost. It was dark. It started to rain. I bumped into a man, dark skin, a mean face.

"I'm sorry!" I said when I bumped into him.

"Little girl, what's wrong with you!" He said pushing me.

I ran away from him. But he kept chasing me. Onto the street. And then, everything went black.

                                                               ~2 Hours Later~

"She'll be okay. Just a few bruises and broken bones. She had as minor concussion, but she should be fine." I heard a dark voice say.

I sat up from my lieing down position. I realized I was in a hospital gown, in a hospital. I saw my parents, and Jordan talking to a guy that looked like a doctor.

"Wh- what happened?" I asked them confused.

"How much do you remember?" The doctor asked me.

"All I remember is running onto the road, and everything going black." I said thinking back to the incident.

"Well, you got hit by a car. Luckily, it wasn't a big car, so you don't have many injuries. However, you may wanna take it easy for a while." The doc said giving me a warm smile.

"Thank you. But when can I come home?" I asked the doctor.

"Whenever you're ready." The doctor smiled.

"Can I go home now?" I asked smiling.

I know that I said I don't like being home, but hospitals scare me! They smell like pain and deathe, with a hint of old people!

"Of course! Just please sign here?" The doctor said giving my parents a pen and a clipboard, pointing a place to sign.

They signed it, and gestured me to leave.

"Here is your clothes Miss!" The doctor said handing me a bag with my clothes in it.

"Thanks! Where can I change?" I asked.

"Right there!"He said pointing to a washroom.

After I changed, I went in my parents stretch limo. and our chauffeur started to drive.

"Why would you leave the house?" My Mom asked me.

I could tell both my parents are confused, since me and Jordan are pretty much angel children. I decided to tell my parents the truth.

"Well, I was lonley. I wanted to make friends." I said queitly.

"But you always have us to talk to!" My Dad reasoned.

"Your never home!" I argued.

"Your right. We can use out basment to work at home?" My Mom smiled.

"Really?" I asked exited.

"Of course. We love you sweety!" My Dad smiled.

"I love you to guys!" I said hugging them.

HEY HEY HAIIIIIII GUYS!!!!!!!!!! So what do you think of this story? I am super duper exited for it! I worked super duper hard on it to! Do you guys like it, or am I just being a loser? Yay or Nay? Please comment, vote , and fan so I know if you like it! Thanks!!!!!!1


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