🐟💥I Love you, and that scares me

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Hello everyone! This a kiribaku fanfic and im excited so lets get right into it!
Pairing: Eujiro Kirishima x Bakugo Katsuki

Two boys sat at a long table with their friends all eating lunch, one was named Katsuki and the other Eujiro. Eujiro watched as Katsuki laughed at one of the others stupid comments and smiled before going back to eating, he loved it when Katsuki smiled. He loved Katsukis laugh too, so heartfelt yet loud and a hint of raspyness from yelling so much. He loved seeing Katsuki be happy and himself, he wished he could see it forever. 'were just good classmates' he thought shaking his head and going back to talking with denki.

Eujiro and Katsuki stood at two different tables, Eujiro's right infront of Katsuki's, Eujiro could hear Katsuki making quick work of the carrots he was choping as Eujiro did too. Both working silently but diligently, the two had grown a small bit closer over time but still just good classmates in Eujiros eyes. At least thats what he always told himself.
"Woah! Your so fast! Its almost weird..."
Eujiro heard Ochako from behind him say as she watching in awe, already hearing katsuki shout at the girl as he continued to chop. He sighed softly and shook his head, 'bakugo i swear you have no idea how cute you can be sometimes..' Eujiro suprised himself at that thought and shook his head. Quickly getting back to work.

Eujiro watched helplessly as his Katsuki was taken right in front of him, too distressed to even realize he called him his Katsuki. The villians slowly went back into the portal as Eujiro Helplessly shouted for bakugo, the shouting didn't work. He was gone. He lost Katsuki. Gone. Right infront of him. And he couldn't do a damn thing. He felt so Empty and afraid. His Katsuki was gone. No more yelling about 'stupid deku!'. No more empty comments about how hed kick his ass. Nothing. Just silence.

The second Eujiro saw Katsuki out on the battlefield against villians he wanted to run out and help. To run and save Katsuki. But he couldn't, Not yet. So he waited as the team came up with a plan and once he was in the air looking at katsuki he shouted.
"Katsuki! Grab my hand!!!"
As Katsuki zoomed through the the air and lached onto Eujiro's hand he looked him in the eyes and they both saw the raging passion and care they had for eachother. Both not willing to admit it.

4 weeks, 6 days and 10 hours since bakugo was brought back after being kidnapped. Him and Eujiro hung out more then ever, often sparring or Eujiro convincing him to hang out at the mall with him. Eujiro always took him to new places just to see the hidden look of wonder in Katsukis eyes, the spark of determination to explore. God how he loved Katsukis eyes, two crimson orbs filled with determination and passion to win. Old stories of the past and current feelings hiding within those gorgeous firey eyes, bright red with darker crimson at edges and center like a burned and bloodsoaked paper filled with emotion. He could lose himself in Katsuki's eyes forever. Little did he know, Katsuki felt the same. He loved to see Eujiro smile when he laughed, he loved watching Eujiro's eyes light up when he laughed at his jokes or comments, he loved when Eujiro's eyes filled with joy and admiration for him. Deep red eyes matching his own, except Eujiros were filled with far more emotion. Far more admiration and care, more power and determination, he always swore to himself he saw sparks light up in Eujiros eyes when he looked at him and smiled. He loved the way how when Eujiro smiled his eyes seemed to glow and he could see the stars reflect in them, the two felt more for eachother then just friend but neither were ready to realize that just yet.

The two boys sat next to eachother on eujiros bed. Weights sitting on the floor as the pair sat in silence, both not knowing what to say. 'i dont like him as more then a friend......right?' Eujiro thought to himself, his heart knew he was lying to himself but he just didnt understand why he felt like this.
The blond boy hummed in response, still staring at the ground.
'god how to tell him' eujiros thoughts stayed to himself as he began to talk without meaning too
"I dont know how you'll react to this and i understand if you dont feel the same but..."
Eujiro sighed and forced katsuki to look him in the eyes
"I think i... I think i love you..."
Katsukis eyes filled with emotion, more then Eujiro ever saw before.
"I-i-i.....no you c-cant..im a....and you're....."
Katsuki stood quickly fearfully looking at Eujiro
"No no this cant be real, tell me this is just some sick joke..!"
He didnt realize he started to cry until now
"It isnt like you to cry.."
Katsuki began to speak with slowly hightening valume
"But.. Wont you take it back say you just wanted to make me laugh and nothing has to change today you didnt mean to say-"
Eujiro grabbed Katsukis face, cutting him off
"I love you.."
Katsuki could see the genuineness in Eujiros eyes
"...i love you too......and that scares me...."
The pair looked at eachother both crying as they knew they both felt the same
Katsuki sighed and took a deep breath as he looked eujiro in the eyes and held Eujiros hands on his face
".....i love you...."
Slowly they both leaned closer and closer until their lips met in the softest kiss that could be given, eyes shut and pure love seeping through the cracks in Katsukis facade.
They wouldnt be getting married anytime soon and itd take a while for katsuki to be ready to fully be in a relationship but Eujiro would wait as long as it takes, because thats what you do when you love someone. You wait until they're ready, even if you have to wait forever.

Sometimes love can take a while, but thats okay, Not everybody is ready to love someone. - Author-san

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