The Wedding(TFOSS Part 2)

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Part 2 of TFOSS

This part was written first!

Sam and I have decided that, Fevin, CharlChic and Rosie are endgame so sue us
Please don't we have no money.

Please give us a break on our poor wedding knowledge, the last wedding I went to I didn't pay attention at and I got injured so...

Document at this point: 25 pages

Story length: 14 pages


In The Bride's Room:

"Betty, don't cry! You're gonna make all of us cry!" Veronica said. She was dressed in a lacy topped long train gown. Her raven hair was down and curled slightly with a pearled headband from her mother's wedding as her something borrowed. She had on a new pearl necklace as her something new and her something blue was part of her reception ensemble.

"I'm sorry, it's just I can't believe this is finally happening," Betty wiped her eyes. She was dressed in a mermaid dress with a small train and very long veil her mother had worn. She had a small blue crown sewn to the lace top of her dress. Her hair was down, not a common sight, slightly hiding her new jewel earrings.

Kevin burst into the room of brides and bridesmaids. He shouted the same thing he'd said every time he'd come back from the bathroom, "Riverdale's three hottest power couples getting married on the same day at the same time!"

Toni was sitting with her soon to be wife, Cheryl, in the corner. The woman was dressed in a short sleeveless dress with black jewels on it and a black fake rose flower crown from Nana Rose's wedding. She also had a new blue streak in her hair she'd got the day before. "Keller, that's the fifth time you said that. What happens when you pee?"

"Do you really want to know the answer to that, Toni?" Kevin asked.

Toni shook her head, "no." Everyone burst out laughing. "You do look really hot in that outfit though, babe," Toni said looking at Cheryl's lacy dress with a high slit, red ribbon around her waist and rose flower crown connected to her veil from her grandmother's wedding and her signature spider pin in the color blue pinned to her dress. Her neck was adorned with red jewel necklace in the shape of a rose.

"As do you, Tee Tee," Cheryl said, passionately kissing her soon to be wife.

"Hey, guys, you should wait until after the wedding! You're going to smudge your lipstick!" Veronica said.

That made the rest of them laugh.

In The Groom's Room:

"Reggie, Archie, can you please stop comparing abs?" Jughead asked his friends.

"No," Reggie stated.

"Yeah, Reggie, maybe we should put our shirts on before I get married," Archie said.

"Yeah, okay," Reggie said.

Jughead slowly stroked a comb through his dark hair. After a few moments he set it down and put his iconic beanie on.

"I can't wait to see what Ronnie's dress looks like," Archie said.

"Yeah, I bet she'll look hot," Reggie said.

"Hey, that's my soon to be wife!"

"Yeah, back off, Mantel," Jughead said.

"Okay, okay," Reggie held his hands up in defeat. "Don't worry I love Josie," he said, referring to his girlfriend who was with the other girls in the brides room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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