The Engagment(TFOSS Part 1)

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Part One Of The Future One-Shot Series Co-written by SammyLFK and me! Basically, everyone is around 26

Document at this point: 10 Pages

Story Length: 10 Pages



Betty's POV:

Jughead and I were at Pop's after a late night of working. I sighed and rested my head on his left shoulder. It had been a long day of trying to solve a pretty difficult case. I yawned a little and sighed too.

"You okay?" Jug asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," I assured him.

"Okay, good," he played with my ponytail while shoving like three fries into his mouth.

"One of these days you're going to choke, Jug," I told him.

"Well, you're here to save me," he laughed. He shoved more into his mouth.

"Now you're just trying to spite me," I said.

"I'm testing my limits," he teased, his mouth full. I laughed.

Jughead's POV:

The sound of Pop's' door opening made me look away from Betty. Veronica and Archie had just walked in. The pair spotted us and they made their way to us. "Mind if we join you two, Detectives?" Veronica asked.

"Of course not, Vee," Betty said, straightening herself up a bit and taking a sip of her milkshake. They slid in. A Pop's employee came and took their orders. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Archie almost burned our house down," Veronica said nonchalantly.

"Sounds about right," I said, shoving more fries into my mouth.

"You know what, Jug?" Archie said defensively.

"I'm completely right?" I responded.

"Ugh, fine, yeah," Archie leaned back and sighed as the employee came back with his milkshake and burger. Veronica thanked the employee kindly and Archie just nodded since he already had food in his mouth. Sometimes, Archie can be completely hopeless on the practical skills front. But make no mistake, he will protect anyone he cares about with his life.

"What are you two doing here?" Veronica questioned, folding her arms on the table.

"Late night at the office," I sighed. I had a lot of things going through my mind at that moment: the case we were working on, the fact that Chic got out of jail a week ago and we're still deciding if we should forgive him since he's still dating Charles, the ring in my pocket, whatever the heck Archie, Veronica and Betty are talking about, the ring in my pocket, the Chic thing, the small heart amethyst ring in my pocket, Betty, the case, the fact that I was repeating the same thing again and again.

The ring Archie, my dad, Charles and I picked out in my pocket was just there. My brain kept telling me "do it, do it" in an Emperor Palpatine voice. I took the deepest breath I'd ever taken and said quickly, "Betty!"

"What is it?" She asked. I slunk out of the booth and got on one knee. "Holy crap."

"This is the most unplanned thing I've ever done, but I love you Betty and I really should have planned this better. Um, so, will you marry me?" I said nervously. Veronica and Archie were staring at me amazed. I looked at Betty's shocked face as a smile replaced it.

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