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My parents moved in next to a couple with a young boy named Caleb, not too long later they had a daughter named Bella. My parents then had me. So there were three kids that would talk over the fence. Eventually, they had another son Lucas. 

Lucas and I became fast friends and as we grew older we'd talk over the fence. Every day we'd hear a voice calling over the fence for me. "Hello is anyone there?" he'd say and I'd drop what I was doing to run out to meet him. Sometimes I'd climb over the fence to their house to jump on their trampoline. By this time I had a brother and sister both two years apart, from me and each other. They met Lucas but they didn't know him well.
We were about 3 or 4 when it happened. My mum told me that Lucas was in the hospital. Soon the news came that Lucas had passed away in his sleep that night. I was devastated, I didn't have lots of friends cause I was so little so it affected me deeply, it was the first real loss I'd felt. 

A year later I started school. I thought about how we could've been in the same class and made friends together. I didn't talk to our neighbours much anymore. Eventually, I did, Bella and I were similar ages and I'd go to there house again. They showed me the box in the wall where Lucas was now. They had another son, Jacob. I was so lost I thought that he was a replacement for Lucas. I know now he never could be. He would call over the fence every day asking if anyone was there to play. We'd come out and talk over the fence again. 

When I was ten we moved away, not far, but far enough. We don't talk to them anymore. we'd say 'hi' occasionally at school when Jacob started. I'd forgotten about Lucas until recently. I asked mum about him, who he was? when he died? and why he had to go?

I miss him so much and I remember everything about him. I can't believe I forgot him or thought he could be replaced. I miss his blonde hair, his laugh, the way he'd call out to see if someone was there. He was so innocent and kind. I wish I'd been able to grow up with him. 

But I can't. He's gone. Never to call over the fence or jump on the trampoline, never to meet his younger brother or graduate primary school. My life would be so different if he was here. I just wish I could've said goodbye. 

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