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Chloe's Pov
I slid down the lockers, while having my attack. Matthew saw me, and ran over to help me. He carried me to the bench, and settled me down.

"Chloe what's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing." I said while getting up.

"Your gonna have to talk to me someday!" He said

"I walked to my locker, and put my hand at the edge, and I counted 1...2...3!" I yelled

No pain?

I see Lucas, holding my locker, I pick up my bag, and started to run. He grabbed my hand, and spun me around.

"Chloe why did you want to do that?" He asked

"None of your business!" I yelled

"But why, because your-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"Um I gotta go." I said and ran.

I bumped into Kendall.

"Hey where you going chlo?" She asked

"I Dunno, can I come over?" I asked

"Sure." she said

"Well got to go to class." I said

"Okay bye." she said

I waved goodbye.

I walked into my last class, and I watched as each person shuffled into the room. Lucas took a seat next to me, I looked away. I don't want to get beaten up, for getting into contact with Lucas.

"Chloe please talk to me." He pleaded

"Okay, why do you want Lucas?" I asked

"Text me, because it's the end of the day." He said and he got up, and left.

I got up, and went to the front door of the school. Where I met up with Kendall, Maddie, Paige.

We walked to Kendall's house.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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