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I wish I knew what was going on in your head

Every time you see me, talk to me

Because I don't know what to make up of everything you said

It feels one-sided that I'm the only one feeling giddy

You wait for me on the door every time I'm late in class

But are you really waiting? I might just be assuming

When we joke around time escapes us quite fast

I feel like I'm the only one daydreaming

You look at me all day yet I don't know

Why are you even looking at my plain face?

When you skip class I get bored and time becomes slow

Is it normal to think of you for days?

You're awkward sometimes but I'm like that too

I just pretend to be brave so you won't notice

These feelings aren't foreign for me but it feels new

Why am I making a big fuss over something like this?

I unconsciously tidy myself up before my class with you

I never tried to look pretty for someone before

And it makes me think; do you tidy yourself up too?

Of course not. Now I feel like head-butting the door

I want to know what you truly think of me

Because I feel like I'm just bothering you

Why won't you say anything that'll set my trapped thoughts free?

I feel like going crazy! I really don't know what to do

I try to sleep and shut you out from my mind

But my mind is but a big traitor

If my mind's stubborn, then my heart's a fiend!

One day it's gonna kill me for sure

I'm not quite sure if I like you or not

All I know is that I'm happy just knowing you're there

I hope this annoying feeling of mine will rot

And disappear into thin air

I want to be friends but a part of me seeks something else

What did you do to me? Why am I in such a mess?

I don't see our future and I most definitely don't hear Church bells

I never saw myself walking down an aisle in a long white dress

You said you were going back home in three years time

I know that your home is countries away

That's why I have no plan of making you mine

Because that'll just make me want you to stay

I feel so stupid right now. You just can't see

You're confusing me with everything you do

Don't talk to me if you don't like me

'Cause I'm in danger of falling for you

- July 24, 2014

If anyone's curious, this guy was just a small (unsure) crush. And he went back to his hometown. Then poof! The feelings are gone. I've never felt so relieved. ^o^

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