002. locker room

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SITTING IN CLASS CARSON CONTINUED TO WRITE UNTIL HER HAND HURT. She hadn't really been paying attention to the teacher, instead just writing down as much as she could from the slides. Running a hand through her hair, she looked around the room deciding to just get the rest of the notes from Christopher.

Most of the class were either writing or asleep. The others staring off into space, much like her. Being an A and B student and the twelfth in her class as a senior she didn't have a lot to worry about when it came to grades. Carson had kept her grades up for the previous three years, never receiving anything less than an eighty-three in any of her classes. And so with a light huff she raised her hand, asking and receiving a yes to go to the restroom.

Christopher's eyes found hers as she stood, sending her a wink before looking back down at his paper with a smirk on his lips. Smiling she walked out of the class closing the door slowly so it wouldn't slam shut.

The hallway was quite. One person looking through their locker and another at the water fountain. The girls bathroom was only a few doors up but Carson not wanting to return to class too quickly decided to instead head to the girl's locker room and stay there until the last few minutes of class, not that there were very many left.

Walking down the hallways she'd memorized after nearly four years of going to Ewen the sound of chanting drew her eyes towards the locker room doors as she got closer. Carson had been lucky enough to not have to take P.E., her previous credits from having been a track runner overlapping into her senior year.

It was the sound of a familiar voice crying out that put urgency into her steps. Pushing through and following the chants Carson found herself behind a group of girls throwing tampons in the direction of the showers. Moving through them and coming up beside Chris the sight in front of her frightened her.

Laid on the ground with only a, bloody, towel to cover herself was Carrie. Sweet, timid, quiet Carrie White. Carson was stuck in a stupor at the sight in front of her until Carrie cried out for her reaching her hand forward, then backing up further away from the group of chanting girls.

Lurching herself towards Carrie, Carson rested her knees against the wet shower tiles holding her arms out as Carrie moved towards her. Once the blonde was close enough, she pulled her into her arms rubbing her hair soothing as Carrie continued to cry and scream.

Turning her head to the side Carson's vision was slightly blurred and her face red with anger.

"What the hell is wrong with all of you! Someone get Ms. Desjardin!" she fumed shielding her friend from the laughing girls who continued throwing tampons and pads.

"Oh come on Car, we're just messing with her." Chris chuckled bringing her phone closer towards the two girls which only caused Carrie to cry harder in Carson's arm.

Focusing her attention back onto Carrie, Carson blocked out the people around them attempting the best she could to soothe Carrie. Unaware when the coach barged in confused as to what was happening until she made it to the front of the group. Both girls looking up at the woman at the same time. Carrie moving away from Carson and scooting towards Ms. Desjardin pleading for help, whilst she only stood unsure of what to do and watched as Sue approached informing the woman of what might be happening, her words making Carrie scream and though Carson thought her eyes were playing tricks on her the feminine products around Carrie seemed to push away from her simply from her voice.

Lost in everything happening around her, the teen hardly reacted when Desjardin slapped a screaming Carrie. Her feet stumbling over each other when the coach screamed for everyone to get out, though part of her wanted to stay.

Once she'd made it back to class still shaken and replaying what had happened in her mind, Carson walked back to her seat unaware of all the eyes following her. Noticing the change in her appearance. Her hair now slightly damp from the locker room air, her clothes wet, and marks of blood left behind from when she'd held Carrie.

Looking down, her phone screen shun. A message coming across from Christian.

What happened?

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