Chapter 1

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Matthew slowly walks back to his room and sits at his desk, he was given this room when he entered the 19 year old section of the assassin school. he had only been a baby when he was brought here. Matthew knows nothing of his past, that was a requirement to live and learn the ways of the assassins. The past holds you back, it is nothing but a distraction. Although Matthew knows that he can't help but wonder what his life would be like if he didn't live here. Matthew's eyes widen at that thought, before he shakes his head as if he trying to shake the thought from his head. he grabs the quill and small journal and starts to write in it with his fancy script.

The sixth month and the 14th day.

Today had been a very weird, anything that has gone wrong did go wrong. Master Luckan had been hurt in a mission, so he was very relaxed. Although the lessons had been relaxed and easy, several of us students had been hurt. Even I had been hurt, thankfully the injury hadn't been too bad. The healers had been able to heal it easily, so there is no harm. But that is not the worst of it, apparently some newer assassins allowed into the field had been killed, but we have no reason to believe those claims. After all they could be faking their own deaths. Hopefully tomorrow I can finally move on to the next level of training. sooner I do that the sooner I can get out of here. I really wanna see this world and explore it. Now I should finish my nightly routine. Matthew

With a small sigh Matthew closes the journal, he stands up from his stool with a small stretch. He starts to get what he will need for the next day. Then Matthew starts to do his nightly exercises, but while he is distracted, Matthew doesn't notice the growing blue light. He doesn't notice the blue light until it was too late. Being swallowed by the light, Matthew covers his eyes with his arm, due to the brightness.

"What the hell is happening!?"

Once the light dies down he uncovers his eyes and he is floating in a great expanse of nothingness. Matthew looks around desperately looking for an answer or an escape. Once he sees he can't he sighs.

all of a sudden he is surrounded by still framed images of his past. the earliest being an image of a women reaching out as her child is being taken by two men. Matthew gently reaches out and touches the image of the woman.

"Is-is this my... mother?" his voice is raspy and hopeful. Tears well up in his eyes as he chokes out, " she wanted me, she actually wanted me."

He smiles looking at the next memory. laughter bubbles up from his chest. " my naming day! the day they let us pick a name for our selves and one that everyone knew us by." he's eye glitter as he gets lost in the memory. his true name was something that he had heard in passing from a traveling merchant.

With a small smile he looks at the next picture and the smile drops from his face. "my first day of training, it was pure hell." the memory hits him like a speeding train. That day he almost died, they pushed him so hard that he could barely breath, many bones were broken.

" That day I learned that I couldn't mess around here." a dark chuckle escapes Matthew's lips as he looks on to all the memories the good and the bad. The days where he was so beaten down that he could barely walk, and the days were he came out of the hell called training, victorious. something that not many can do.

He sighs and turns from the memories. " I can't dwell on these things from the past, I have to get back to the the school and find out what has happened. " he turns going to leave but stops. "Though first, I have to find a way out."

as he finishes his last though, almost as if the void was sentient, a warm feeling washes over Matthew and his is forced asleep, despite him struggling to fight the sleep.

"-uddy!" Matthew feels his body gets shaken. " Hey Buddy! Wake up!"

His eyes slowly open despite how heavy they feel. immediately he is on guard, his knives pulled out and he is crouching slightly defending all his weak points. The two people in strange outfits step back and pull out a very strange weapon. One he has never seen before.

"Put down the knifes and come peacefully" the one on the right yells out.

Matthew slowly puts his knifes away and then quickly pulls his sword out cutting both of the weapons and then runs away. weaving through the crowds of people, not having a chance to realize the he woke up fulled geared up.

That's the end of this chapter! I am really hyped to write this. if you notice any mistakes please leave polite comment on the area it is in. constructive criticism is welcomed. please keep in mind this is based on an rp that is still going on! so updates may be weird, due to how much we may rp it. Well this is goodbye for now, until next time


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