Chapter 2

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Matthew runs through the crowds of people, he ducks and weaves avoiding the people while those strange people where bumping into everyone. He flips over several people, as he lands he notices that he's clothes had changed.

" What? When did I change into theses?" He mutters as  stands up and turns his head looking at all the people in their strange clothes. 

Matthew notices those people chasing him are getting closer, so he quickly runs to the right, and as if he senses something Matthew jumps up and lands on this weird horseless carriage. the carriage makes this loud noise, startling Matthew so bad he falls off it. He rolls on to his feet and after narrowly getting caught by those men he runs off again.

"Wha-What's happening, where am I? How did I get here ?" he runs past these buildings that look similar to a house. Matthew starts to panic, fear evident on his face. When all of a sudden he is pulled off to the side.


"ughh college was so hard today" a girl groans out to her friend, over the phone. After a few seconds she laughs "Well not every one has a dream job where they can just do it, immediately after High school." 

The girl walks up to her apartment she rents, when out of the corner of her eye she see, a cosplayer? And he's running from the cops? She lets out a bubbly laugh and speaks to herself, "well Iris, Mother always said to help others." Iris hangs up on her friend and as the guy gets closer her she grabs his arm and pulls him out of the way and pulls him in her apartment, closing the door so the cops don't see him.

all of a sudden Iris is pushed against the door "wha-" as she starts to speak a very real knife is pushed against her neck. She quickly shuts up.

The cosplayer speaks up, his voice soft and even, but it has this deep undertone that puts a edge to it. " Why did you help me? What is it that you want?"

Iris rolls her eyes and pushes him away "what are you doing? Why is a cosplayer running from the cops?"

obviously he is taken back by the question as he is silent for a few seconds with a look of confusion on his face "Cosplay? what is tha-"  as he lets out a gasp seeing her out fit. " what in the world are you wearing that most defiantly not proper for a lady to wear."

She looks down at her outfit and then back at the guy " whats wrong with my outfit? Its just a sweater and some shorts... you're a weird cosplayer."

They guy seems to get more and more frustrated before he growls out "What the hell is a Cosplayer?" He shakes his head clearing his thoughts, this time when he speaks his voice is softer but with a tone that harsher then before " never mind that a lady should never show that much skin. The only people to see that much skin  should be here husband or her consorts."

That comment made Iris's eye go wide and she lets out a gasp. "I am no whore! Watch your tongue, I was the one who saved your ass! You dumb cosplayer!" Iris raises her hand and goes to slap the guy.

The cosplayer grabs her hand before she gets a chance to slap him. He's eyes harden clearly annoyed at being called something he had no clue what it was. " Again with the cosplayer thing you keep mentioning, I. Have. No. Clue. What. That. Is. " at the end of the sentence he enunciate the last seven words.

"I didn't ask to be saved by you, i would have been fine by myself. and for your information, it's perfectly normal for a royal to have consorts, in fact i believe many nobles have a consort or two. You are the strange one." He growls out again.

Iris pulls her wrist away and gently rubs it. "I am not a consort! I'm just a retail worker, trying to get my college degree! what are you , stuck in the 1800's?! you idiot!"

confusion seeps on to his face. " the 1800's? But thats many years away, it's only 1345..." realization draws on his face as he looks around. The cosplayer groans and squats, pulling his hood down father covering his face.


Matthew though that this was the worst thing ever, he had happen to him. he literally was out of his own time, sent to the future. Muttering to himself "This explains a lot" His head snaps up hearing the weird girl burst out laughing. Was she laughing at him?

She starts to speak, gasping for air. "You belong in the loony bin! You're delusional"

Matthew finds himself being filled with anger so much that his blood-lust seems to seep out.  The blood lust seems to scream about how easy it would be to kill her and get away with it.

"Listen up girl" he spits out the word girl as if it was poison "I am from when I said.If you don't believe me, I don't give a flying rats ass. But is wont allow you to call me delusional. I've  been playing nice for now, only because you had saved me. but I don't recommend calling me crazy, again." He reels in his blood-lust slightly.

He smirks seeing the girl flinch back but then frowns seeing the look in her eyes, basically calling him crazy. 

"oooh yes, because you time traveling randomly, thousands of years into the future. That is so believable!" sarcasm seeps into her voice as she rolls her eyes.

Matthew draw a throwing knife, and throws it making land right by her ear just touching it. He smirks happily as it hits it's mark hearing the girl shriek and close her eyes.

He lets his voice drop his anger seeping out " Be careful girly, you are treading on very thin ice." He walks up to her and pulls out the knife and puts back on his belt. 

He starts to pace and mumbling loud enough for the girl to hear. " magic is dangerous, if it is used in the wrong hands. But that is unimportant, my worry is why would they target me. a person just out of training, I mean I haven't made any enemies, at least no one I know of."

The girl slowly opens her eyes after she doesn't feel anything. "Wha-what ar-are you tal-talking about?" she stutters out. "Magic doesn't exist" she tells in as she grabs his hand a takes him to her kitchen. Matthew looks confused for a second.

" here sit down, ill make you some tea to calm down. you clearly worked yourself up, that you are imaging things."

"I am not imagining anything! and if you think i would drink anything you make, you are crazy. I won't know if poisoned it or if I have an immunity to the poison. Finally magic exists it always has" he starts to mumble " unless everyone with magic in their blood has died off, or the earth deemed these people not worthy."

" why in the world would I poison your tea." She looks confused for a second,as she fills a pot and puts it on the stove turning it on. " Anyways, magic doesn't exist. Only in the children's fairy-tales."

Matthew rolls his eyes " one can never be too careful" then smirks a bit and holds up his hand and it starts to glow " if it doesn't exist, how am I doing this?"

1265 words... my gosh that is a lot for me to type up, in one day. I am really proud of this chapter, it took a while to get the motivation to do this, but I finally did! Any-who, if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know, THANKS! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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