Chapter 3 Brrr

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Chapter 3 Brr..

I pace the bare sidewalk waiting near Devons car to apologize to him. I wait and wait and wait but he never comes out. The cold wind nips at my ears and bare skin. Shivering I give up and walk towards the front if the theather hopefully to get warm. I walk to the preppy blond i had pulled Devon away. 'guess she works here'. I pull my head up and cofidently walk over to her. "ticket please" she says not een bothering looking over her magazine. "I don't have one my boyfriends inside holding it for me" I reply. She finally seems interested enough to look out if her magazine. She smirks reconizing me"no ticket no movie bye". "b-" but before I can finished she has yelled next. I stomp off still freezing and now mad. I decide to walk the few blocks to the bus stop. I trek across the snowy sidewalk. My flame colored hair continues to whip around everywhere. 'of course the wind picks up just my luck' grumbling I kick an empty coke bottle till eventually it sinks into the snow. Sighing I see the bus ahead pulling into the bus stop. 'crap' I run ahead fast towards the bus and trip sinking into the two feet muck. I shake my self off and jump into the bus.

"$5 mam" he holds out his hand. "Oh yes" reaching for I'm startled that it's not in my arm but sticking up a couple yards away soaked in snow. U run ti retrieve and take out a wet $5 bill. Handing it over I sit down exausted. I watch as the threes go by. Each stop making my eyes droop more till I finally give in and fall asleep.

Someone shakes me awake. "huh"?. "miss we are at the last bus stop" . "What!". I look out the window sighing with relief. U see my house from here. "thank you". Walking out I walk towards home flying throughout the door before my parents notice my condition. I decide to take a warm shower. Halfway through my phone vibrates. Probably Devon. I decide that he shouldn't have left me out there in the freezing cold. I get out ad change into my black pair of pajama's. Exhausted I duck under the covers and fall into a sleep even the dead would be proud of.

Devon's POV

Fury sparks inside of me. How could she leave. That wasn't the plan. The plan was to scare her. Scare her so bad she wouldn't wanna be rude or disrespectful to me again. I pace my room trying to get ahold of her. She's gonna see. It's not my fault. It's her's.


Authors note} hope you like it. Well ther yea go i tried out dylans POV. Ad more later in the meantime comment fan share add to library vote ;) btw can you guess who's picture is next to the screen ???

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