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I sat by the window and looked outside, it had rained the previous night and widely enough I appreciated the smell of wet grass and moist soil. Another beautiful day with the sun peeping from the clouds from time to time as if saying hello. The clothes on the hanging line would dry up. Eventually. I don't know how many times I told him to make sure they were not rained on but ooh well, I chuckled a little. Tiptoeing to the beautiful little dresser I got from the market the other day at a huge bargain if I may add, and took out my little secret from the drawer. It wasn't really a secret I just didn't feel the need to disclose it to anyone, yet. No writer's block today. I heard Eva whimper from the other room, aah not today I guess, with a sly smile. Maybe I really didn't want to write and was just looking for an excuse.
I was getting up when I heard cooing and her being hushed back to sleep. Good man, terrible at house chores but I wouldn't want him any other way. Where was I? ooh yeah. The book, the last chapter. One day my daughter would read this, I hope she doesn't judge my decisions and choices. I was young,foolish and way over my head. I really need to stop over thinking everything. I hadn't read through it since I started writing. I really should . Just once to check if it was really worth going through all the pain and opening up old wounds. If it left a bad taste in my mouth, I could always just get rid of it. Burn it preferably.

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