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" Yes ma'am".

" Walk with me".

It was a narrow corridor between the small cubicles but we would fit, she was a petite girl who looked too young for her age.

"I need you to set up a meeting with the investors for tomorrow, we need to show them exactly why they should be spending money on our latest project".

" Yes, ma'am".

" My schedule for today please".

"Meeting with Mr. Kiyosaki in ten minutes, his favourite tea and biscuits already set in the second boardroom. Then a meeting with Jumbo Jet Kenya at noon, your lunch break, chicken with fried rice and tea two spoons no cream. The nanny will be here with Eva  after your lunch and......".

"Jenny, how long have you worked for me?".

"Two years madam".

"Tell you what, take lead on the project tomorrow".

" be in charge of everything?".

" Yes, you can't be my assistant forever, you're very good at it but you didn't come work for me to bring me my tea".

"Is this a promotion?".

"Make me proud tomorrow and yes, it's a promotion. You will find everything you need on the flash drive on my desk. Copy it and get ready".

"Ooh thank you! Thank you Md. won't regret it!".

"Women have to stick out for each other.... now..please tell the nanny to dress Eva in that blue catsuit I like, she looks adorable in that".

Meetings all day, then Eva came over for our usually mommy and baby time. It really was my favourite time of the day. Home was a little bit too far and I wasn't comfortable not seeing her during the day. Then daddy came to the rescue and renovated one of the offices for me rather us, the women in the company who needed to be with their children during work hours. The room was amazing, wonderful shades of blue, pink and cream. Lovely cartoon drawings on the wall, a TV, changing station, feeding area, toys and even diapers. A professional nanny was on standby waiting to assist. I was touched when he had shown me, when I was ready to get back to work after delivery. He had gone through all the trouble to make me feel comfortable.

I got home at exactly five, it was very chilly. It was really different living here, foreign weather, language and people, still getting used to it. I noticed a black BMW 2019 model in the garage, he was already home.

"I'm hoooommmmeee".

"Look who it is, it's mommy".

Eva saw me and immediately got excited and crawled towards me.

"Come here mama.... oooh I missed you my baby....let me kiss those beautiful cheeks".

"I thought I was your baby?".

"You were, but then you forgot to take out the trash and now you're not".

"In my defence, it wasn't even full yet".

"But the dog made a mess.."

" Then Cooper should clean it".

" Are we really arguing about this? do you really want to do this?"

"You're about to call me out, aren't you?".

"Smart man, no wonder I married you".

"I thought it was because I knocked you up and your mother would not have approve?".

"That too. What'd you make for supper? Eva, mwanangu, nakupenda. ". ( Eva my child, I love you)

"Should I be worried that our daughter knows more Swahili than I do?".

" I tried to teach you but you kept on pronouncing my name as 'Mumbai' and now we can't go back from that".

"Fair enough, I made fish".

"Hot fish?".

"I put in spices I swear".

"Babe, as much as I love you, salt and pepper are not spices, they are essential".

"I feel very attacked right now and I don't appreciate it, plus forgive me for thinking that three spoonfuls of chile powder and one massive green Pepper is too much".

"But it was delicious...".

"I farted the whole night, you know I'm sensitive about them,stop laughing it's not funny, I had an important meeting the next day".

"Burnt your Caucasian nerves didn't I?".

"I'm actually not Caucasian".

"Dang it, and here I thought I was finally at the top of the ladder."

"Too bad, some people say I look American if it helps".

" Al take what I can get. Where's the hot fish?"

Supper was always a fun time, with the baby already teething. The fish wasn't as bad, it was acting nice. But he would never know that. Yet. Showered and ready for bed the baby in her colt next to our bed.

"Back from the study already?".

"Yes, done for the day".

" Why do you have that sly smile on your face?"

"Nothing, was just on the phone with our Kenyan branch manager. He's sending over a representative. James, James Wachea....."

" It's actually Wachera and why are you looking at me like that?".

"Didn't you you two, you know, have a thing?".

"Not really, just a fling"

"Is that so, is that why you swore of  for the rest of your life?".

" You're really enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

"You don't know the half of it".

"But here I am, men. And I restored your faith in us".

"Are you done?"

" For now, yes".

"Tulale."(let's go to sleep)

"Asante".( thank you)

"That's not.... never mind".

"You do know we could just lay Eva in the next room.... have mommy and daddy time..... that really sounded better in my head, I promise".

"Did you take out the trash?"


"Goodnight baby".

"Tomorrow morning it is then"

"You're lucky you're funny you know".

"Ooh Manaia  I was devastated! Completely DEVASTATED!".

"Shhhh, you'll wake the baby, switch off the lights".

"Now I'm done".

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