Monday Blues

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She had always been aware and would always be aware of the fact that life would be a little harder for her, because of the way she looked, the colour of her skin and her gender. Don't get me wrong, this isn't one of those soqb stories but it isn't a fairytale either. It's a story that resonates with most of us than we care to admit.

Another Monday morning, it was a little bit chilly outside considering it was in August and the rainy season had passed. Mumbi felt around for her phone and switched her alarm off and looked at the weather report. 28℃ but feels like 32℃, slightly cloudy and expected light showers. This really wasn't helping. She got up slowly and went to the bathroom to pee, first thing she did every morning. Afterwards she took a quick glance at her self on the mirror.

" Well shit, that's exactly what you look like, atleast your bonnet is still on"

She enjoyed having conversations with herself, made it less lonely. Toothpaste on the tooth brush and no water. Jared, the caretaker had forgotten to pump water again. She was going to give him a piece of her mind this time. He had one job but he would rather wait until someone knocked on his door every damn time, then he would do it. She walked slowly to her water tank in the kitchen and used an old solid oil container to scoop water and brush her teeth, Africans really did recycle everything. When she was done she filled a pail with water and went to shower. Once done she stepped out into the threshold of her small apartment. Everything in one room except the bathroom, which was also the toilet. She looked at her worldly possessions, her wealth. A small bed she got from her cousin, a nice carper with patterns of peach and cream, a wardrobe next to the bed ,a present from her mother. The colours on the walls were hideous. Yellow and blue, who in their right mind had thought of that? She meant to repaint it in due time, when there was enough money but when really was money ever enough?. A kitchen space next to the window, the only window, cooker, pans, plates,spoons and foodstuff and that was it. No tv or radio, she liked the silence anyway. She went and dressed in her blue jeans and the company shirt 'Trendy'. Nothing really prepares you to work at a beauty store and all the obnoxious people you meet there. A comb through her relaxed hair and she was done. She stared at herself in the mirror again. She had gotten really good at masking her feelings once she had grown up. She heard the caretaker open his door. She quickly went and opened the door before he disappeared into his house.

"Jared.... Jared...Tafadhali Simama kidogo..( please stop )...don't pretend like you haven't seen me.... mbona hushugulikii maji vile wewe hushugulikia rent?"( why are you don't attending to the water problem the same way you do when collecting rent)

"Aah, madam pump imespoil"(there is something wrong with the pump) si unaelewa hii maneno?" (You understand this things happen)

That was the third time this month the pump had given in. She knew he was just looking for an excuse for the landlord to give him more money, from what she had heard, his pregnant wife was giving him a hard time and called him constantly wanting this and that for the baby. Societal pressures of being a man. She left him and walked to the bus stop to wait for a  Matatu to work. Public transport was such a pain but she was most definitely not taking an uber or a cab, only people with money did that. And she wasn't one of them.

"Tao! Tao! Tao!" The matatu conductor shouted. ( Town)

Sometimes she got lost in her own thoughts a little too often. The ride to work was quiet, everyone in that fourteen setter lost in their own thoughts, it started to rain, she rolled her eyes a little. Just what she needed. Living in Mombasa was the only good deal she got out of adulting. It was such a beautiful island on the coast of Kenya with wonderful sandy beaches,warm weather, amazing culture and food. People were nice here, not like in the capital, Nairobi. The conductor started collecting fare and she took some change from her purse and paid.

"Stage mwisho"( last stop)

The store wasn't that far away, it was drizzling now, she alighted and walked the usual ten minutes to work. Ann,her coworker and friend greeted her at the door.

"Well you look, interesting".

"I will take that as a compliment".

"You should, it's the only one that comes from honesty" Ann said while laughing.

It was their usual morning banter, they both enjoyed it. Ann was a stunning 5'5 girl with coffee brown skin, beautiful brown eyes, a nice petite body and a gap between her upper teeth she had always wanted fixed. Mumbi on the other hand was completely different. Chocolate dark skin, 5'7 beautiful long hair ,a fairly beautiful face,big brown eyes with nice curves and a well rounded ass. They both had their strengths.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a bikini, white, something sexy that says here I am". Someone behind her said.
She turned and smiled at her "Right this way madam, these are our new arrivals...."

Finally it was their lunch break. As usual Mumbi had forgotten to carry hers so Ann shared her egg sandwiches with her. It wasn't much but it would hold their stomachs

"So you talked to James yet?"

"You really didn't feel like sharing your sandwich with me that's why you want me to loose my appetite?"

"Nope, just wondering if you forgave him already. Again".

James, her on again off again boyfriend. The only man in her life that could make her bend all her principles and standards. Her first real relationship. He had been caught dming other women, again. She had seen him and confronted him when he had come over only to be told that it was 'normal and she was paranoid'. She kicked him out and called it quits. A vicious cycle, she knew they were only toxic to each other but maybe they could fix things. Or could they? her phone began to ring.

"Speaking of the devil...."


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