Chapter Four Seven

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"It's not that." Fiear pulled back from Tyreol, eyes searching his face. "You gave your word that you would not come unless Jake requested it?" he repeated, expression serious. He knew Tyreol would not lie about such a thing, but he needed to know. Fiear had held Jake while the man wept for Tyreol to come and never once had Jake told him of such a word given.


"So that's why you never came," Fiear's voice was quiet. He shook his head, frustrated. Why had he ever doubted his Lord? Tyreol was many things, but petty was not one of them. He had assumed that was the reason why his Master had never come. The woman that Jake was mourning was someone Tyreol had not approved off and the reason for the rift between Jake and Tyreol. It hadn't seemed too out of the possibility that Tyreol was leaving Jake alone in some kind of punishment. "He never said you had promised... I'll speak to him about this."

Tyreol smiled at Fiear fondly. The fire in Fiear's voice, the tone of command, his boy was a fierce protector. Even if Jake was not brave enough to call for him now, Fiear would clear up any mistake. "I trust you will."

Pressing back against Tyreol, he kissed him firmly. Tyreol rumbled with happiness at the action. His arm pressed Fiear close. "I fear we are all fools sometimes. Including baby here," Fiear murmured on their lips as they parted. Fiear turned to kiss Luke on the forehead. He tucked some of his now messy and loose hair behind his ear. "And next time, hopefully, Luke will remember what to do instead of acting on instinct."

Luke whined, not wanting attention back on him. He shifted unhappily, wishing desperately that he was far from here. A sharp growl from Tyreol had Luke freezing again, the terror of Tyreol's anger looking for him washing over him also. Luke hid his face in the crook of Tyreol's neck and shoulder, burying his nose in the soft material.

The smell of Luke's fear was potent. Tyreol huffed, pushing down his anger. He kissed Luke on the top of his head, attempting a touch of comfort. Tears trickled down Luke's face, Tyreol smelled them despite the man hiding his face.

"No longer the baby but still mine. And mine do not flee from me," Tyreol voice was stern and immovable.

They wrapped around Luke's throat tight. Luke could feel the God's anger again, teeth snapping at his heels and a paw on his back pinning him down. The tears flowed faster. He was scared and unsure of what to do. There was nothing he could say right now. Words were stubbornly absent as the world centred on him again. He needed to say something, anything. Eventually, Tyreol would question him about this.

"Master," Fiear intoned gently, distracting his focus from Luke. Tyreol's eyes flashed red, but he stayed calm. This was the angriest he had been at someone in a long time, especially at one of his own. But Fiear had been by his side for over 3 millennia, he knew the damage Tyreol had caused by letting his anger lead him. "Just remember."

There was a brief moment of pause as Tyreol accepted the words. Luke could feel his heart beating in his chest, his body shuddered with it.

"I will see you soon, Fiear," Tyreol settled with, pressing their forehead together as a gentle parting. Their eyes met, and hesitation filled Fiear's. At the sight of it in one of his oldest, Tyreol let go, accepting it for what it was. Fiear scowled and wrapped his arms around Tyreol's neck and kissed him deeply. Tyreol smiled into it, a smile like the God had been given the greatest gift in the world.

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