Chapter Fifty One

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Silas was arguing with Chris. Loudly and with a stubbornness that Paul had learnt to expect from the other boy. It made a change from Abel at least. Julia had vanished again.

Abel was curled up in the corner where Paul liked to hide when tensions were high in the rooms. Magic was sparking from Abel. Sparking was the wrong word. Bubbling was maybe better imaginary. Colour bubbles were drifting off the boy. They were rather pretty to watch but Paul had seen Abel do this before. The boy was upset and his magic was reacting to it.

"Abel," Paul knelt next to him, hesitantly touching his shoulder as the noise got louder. He froze as Chris yelled back, the deep tones sinking deep in his chest.

They needed to get out of here. Chris wasn't angry normally but Silas was pushing things. Paul didn't want to see if things would go worse. He wanted to get out of there and take Abel away before Silas could shout at him too.


Blue eyes looked up at him, magic shifting their colours through the colour spectrum. For a moment nothing happened. Then Abel nodded.

Holding hands, Paul pulled Abel up and pulled him out of the room and into the corridor. He wasn't sure if they were allowed out, or if Luke would let them in. It had been a few days since Luke had broken the rules. Edward and Jack had seen him before otherwise the rest of them hadn't. The older men had promised Luke was fine though. It was probably safe to come to Luke. Staying in that room was not an opinion.

Paul knocked on Luke's door. Abel's magic was calming, fewer colours and bubbles flowing off. His grip on Paul remained strong.

"Come in," Luke called.

The room was tidy-ish. Neater than the other times that Paul had been in it. Luke was wearing only some shorts, making the bandages around his arms and legs more visible.

"Luke..." Paul didn't know what to say. Tyreol had done this to Luke? But he loved Luke?

Luke frowned before chuckling as he looked at his arms like he'd forgotten the bandages were even there. He crossed the room and swept them both up in a tight hug. Paul hung on, burying his face into Luke's neck. Luke nuzzled his hair. Some of the fear drained and Paul relaxed.

"I'm fine, little ones," Luke purred, keeping his grip on them tight. The door shut and Luke swirled them over to the bed and dropped them on it. "These are nothing to do with what happened." He promised, flopping on the bed with them and stretching happily. He rubbed his upper arm and smiled at them with some reassurance. "How come you are here?"

"Silas and Chris are fighting." Abel murmured, "Silas used magic." He added, curling up against Luke's side. "He doesn't want to mention it to Lord Tyreol yet."

"Because Master won't sniff that out in half a second flat," Luke snorted. "Mages smell of brimstone and forests, depending on their infinity." He moved Abel onto his lap, sitting up against the headboard letting his fingers run through the boy's soft hair. "You smell of honey and sugar," Luke beamed at the boy, making Abel blush.

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