Chapter IV

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Ever since that day, Ying felt distraught because she can't seem to talk to Yaya properly. Yaya's head seemed to be in the clouds as she always sighed softly at nowhere. She renounced the idea of her chuckling at small things, or even turning pink when she sees or talks to that Northern suitor!

Ying gritted her teeth, "AND I HATE IT WHY YAYA DIDN'T TELL ME THAT SHE HAS A PENPAL I DIDN'T KNOW!" She marched again on an empty hallway, stomping as she thought that Boboiboy was stealing the attention of Yaya from her.

That heavy jealous feeling you feel when someone steals your favorite toy when you were a child? That's it. Oh, Ying could kill someone. With her stealth mode on, she continued spying them from a safe distance as she muttered incoherent words.

She freaked out when Boboiboy kissed a pink flower before giving it to Yaya as she too, gladly took, kissed and smelled it.

That's just cringey!

Ying almost tear off her hair when Boboiboy initiated to casually hold and squeeze Yaya's gloved hand.

Lady Yaya! Whatever happened to the Eastern belief!

Last thing that made her broke down was when she realized that... Yaya is looking fondly at Boboiboy with something different. She thought she have made her happy and thought that she knew Yaya very well. She is displaying a new expression Ying never knew could exist. Her heart ached when she thought of Yaya marrying and leaving her behind.

The problem with Ying is just- she's too attached to Yaya, not realizing that her sister is already in that stage of falling in love and settling down.

She took a sad last look at their silhouette and quietly left them in their own world.

During dinner, Yaya and Ying, together with their guests, sat down and exchanged chats that nobles would only understand, but to the now quiet young lady, she can also understand. They were talking about their businesses, their experiences, their plans in the future but not the wedding. Somehow, this made Ying detached from the world.

"There was one time when Ying and I tried fixing the grandfather clock at the anteroom but we were spilled with its oil. Ying thought it was an octopus and we had to laugh every time we recall it."

"... Right, Ying?" Yaya softly chuckled when she recalled something but stopped when she noticed her playing with her food. "Ying?"

Fang and Boboiboy took sidelong glances at her quiet figure as Yaya tried to call her attention again, "Ying? Is there anything wrong?"

Ying seemed to hear her after a moment of silence. "Huh? Oh, yes yes. It was sad indeed." She absentmindedly spoke her thoughts out.

This made Yaya worried, "Are you okay, Ying?"

This time, the silent atmosphere made her feel anxious but what really bothered her was the stares of Yaya and the two men. Even though they were patiently waiting for her reply, Ying felt butterflies in her stomach remembering that she don't like all eyes on her. Although she may seem confident talking in front of strangers, the original shy Ying is hidden somewhere in her, waiting to panic.

She started sweating as she looked at her plate with fake interest, and shyly remarked, "Lady Yaya, you don't have to worry about me." Her gut curled up when she noticed that all eyes were still on her, "P-Please. Please continue your chat without worrying about me." That's it, her anxiety visited her in front of the dinner. "I- uh- please excuse me. I need to go somewhere." She bowed hastily and hurried her way out the scene.

The two guests gave a questioning look at her retreating figure and Yaya answered them, "Please forgive, Ying. She gets anxious when all eyes are all hers."

Please Take My HandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora