23: Flames

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Every day is a new torment .
Anything or thought can creep in at any moment.
How will i stop these thoughts from floating in my head and affecting me...
Should i be more afraid of them or me.
The greatest weapon against any man is himself.

I was preparing lunch when i felt the urge to see and feel my blood oozing from my flesh. it felt so beautiful to me.
I just couldn't help but cut myself. As i wached the blood ooze out of me, it fascinated me and encouraged me to keep cutting deeper, closer to my veins on my wrist. I snapped out of it immediately. The pain of the cuts were stinging. I went to clean it up.
Then again I felt like burning something. I turned on the gas and watched the blue flames dance round the burner. A beauty scene. Then i started with a piece of paper, i watched it burn into nothing. I felt good.
Then a nylon, then different things i could get my hand on, carton, straw, satchet, etc...The smell of the smoke was like a nice scented perfume to me that hugged me well.
Then when there was nothing within my reach, i opened up an indomie pack and put in the empty pack. It shrunk an brought out green flames.
It was beautiful, i wanted to feel it on my hands. I was drawn to it.
I went closer and just as i reached out to touch it my mom came in.
The gas was turned off. The things i bought were in the waste bin, hidden. The smell of smoke gone tho i reeked of it.
My cut still fresh tho.
If i didn't know better I'd say it was a nightmare.
So I'm my own enemy now. Oof.

                                                            Yours sincerely,
                                                            A Mind.

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