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"Hina you better come back with the new manga I asked you!"

I laughed as I hugged Elena for the last time. She handed me my bags with a pout, I laughed again and patted her head.

"You also have to give me another of your Italian souvenirs okay" Elena nodded

Elena had to stay behind since she's also leaving for Italy tomorrow to visit her relatives and mom there. She says it a family gathering with tons of pasta and pizzas, I feel kinda jealous about it.

I grabbed my bags and kissed Elena on the forehead as she accompanies me down to the lobby where Tsukio is.

Tsukio sat there on the couch, he wore a blue polo shirt with two buttons open and shorts while I just wore a pink sweater and shorts.

As soon as Tsukio saw me he immediately took my bags, I wanted to protest but I know he's gonna be stubborn about it. I looked at Elena for the last time and she gave me a sad puppy eye look, I know she keeps doing that whenever I leave for Japan but the way how she pouts is still disgusting

I sighed as I pat her head again

"Elena.. I wont be gone for long, Its just a few days dont worry.." I said, she still didnt stop pouting "Elena just so you know you look disgusting when you pout"

I hear Tsukio chuckle behind me, I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing when she glared at him

"I thought Jayden is coming with you to Italy?" Tsukio spoke up, my brows shot up and I looked at her

"Aaaaah! Just go or you'll be late" Elena said as she waved her arms around. I smiled at her and squeezed her cheeks and kissed her forehead again.

I waved at her as I entered Tsukio's car. The ride to the airport was flawless, no traffic at but except to Tsukio speeding up from time-to-time. He would laugh whenever he catches me off guard and I hate it

We arrived at the airport in no time, we immediately checked in our passports and boarded the plane to Nagasaki. I literally slept the whole flight since I was tired of thinking about this travel all night.

This is the first time I have traveled to Japan without my sisters or Elena, they were always together with me to visit relatives there. I did tell Akane I'm going to Japan with Elena but it was just an excuse so she wouldn't get furious at me for going with a guy since they're strict, at least Elena knows what to do if ever Akane would call, which I doubt she will.

"Ladies and gentlemen.." I woke up to the pilot's announcement "We have arrived at Nagasaki, Japan. Estimated time is 1:30 pm, weather is perfectly warm. Thank you for riding with us and have a safe vacation"

"Let's go?" I hear Tsukio say, I rubbed my eyes and stood up holding his arm so I wont fall.

We got our bags and walked out of the plane.

I looked around the big runway and airport, it was just like before as always whenever I would visit. I looked at Tsukio and he seemed to have a nostalgic look on his face, I held his hand and gave him a soft smile. He hesitated and smiled back.

We both stood by the bridge outside the airport. Tsukio was about to get service but I stopped him

"Why?" He asked, I smiled at him and grabbed my phone to text someone

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