Chapter 2

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Songs for this chapter

~In The End- Black Veil Brides~

~I Don't Love You- My Chemical Romance~

~Helena- My Chemical Romance~

~Try- Pink~

~How To Save A Life- The Fray~

~Give Me Love- Ed Sheeran~

Coleton's p.o.v.

As I creeped over to the body I jumped in horror right away, it wasn't a body no but a bloody knife. It wasn't even a knife it was two hatchets, now I question how the hell I thought it was a body. 'Don't think about that Coleton call the police' , a little voice in my head said. Oh yeah.

I rushed over to my phone dialing 911.

"Hello officer speaking what is your problem?" A girl asked in a 'Siri' voice.

"My dad is missing and there's bloody knifes on the ground and bloody foot prints leading to the door." I rushed out.

"I need you to get out of the house and stay calm. Now tell me sweetie were do you live?"


Haileys p.o.v.

Once I arrived at school I heard everybody whispering around me. Probably because I don't show up to school a lot. And if it was up to me I wouldn't be here, but no my mom made me because she doesn't want me to go to court again.

"Hailey!" I heard my best friend Annabelle squeal as she ran towards me. "Where have you been?" She asked as she gave me a hug.

"Hey Annabelle." Was all I said not really wanting to answer her question.

"Did you hear what happened to coletons dad?" Annabelle asked. I looked at her confused. I'm not very close to Coleton we had a few talks but that's it. He always looks at me weird like he never saw a goth person before. But I could be wrong.

"What?" I asked, even though I really didn't care.

"Someone murdered his dad." She said in a whisper tone. Oh shit. I gave her a look that says 'Um I may've killed him.' "You didn't kill him! Please tell me you didn't!" She screamed and I saw people glancing over at us.

"Shut up!" I yelled and pulled her in the nearest closet.

"I don't know...." Was all I said.

"What do you mean you don't know!" She yelled.

"Would you shut up?" I asked im a whisper tone.

"Sorry, oh my god what are you going to do?" She asked freaking out.

"I don't know. I'm just as scared as you are because you know I thought maybe I could have a chance with Coleton because he's the only guy that really talks to me. So I really hope I didn't kill his dad." I explained as I ran my fingers through my hair frustrated.

Coletons p.o.v.

I really didn't want to go to his funeral considering I've been to so many in the past year. My Aunts my other aunt my grandpa and my grandma! All I had was my dad! But no some manic had to ruin that. And when they find out who did it I hope they die.

My aunts and my grandpa I didn't really care about. But my grandma she was my everything my world, she was the person I looked up to but she ended up committing sucide that selfish bitch. Every since that happened I didn't really call her grandma anymore I called her 'Helena'.

I saw two new people walk in. I knew Annabelle was coming but I didn't know Hailey was. She looked really pretty, which she always does. Not Annabelle that would be disgusting she's like my sister. Now Hailey on the other hand, and it's weird that I like her because I barley talk to her im too scared.

"Hey Coleton." Hailey said giving me a smile as she sat next to me and Annabelle followed.

"Hey." I gave her half a smile.

"Sh." Some person I didn't even know said from behind us.

"No bitch shut the fuck up I'm trying to confront him and he's the son what the hell are you, his fucking great grandma you old ugly bitch!" Hailey said in a whisper yell not trying to catch people's attention.

The lady didn't reply she just got up and went to the bathroom.

"You didn't have to do that, you know." I said facing her.

"Yeah I did, she needs to learn how to shut her fucking mouth." She said in a frustrated tone.

I didn't answer to that I just paid attention to the preacher. I don't understand how he can talk about my father and how he was such a great man when he never meant the guy.

Once the casket was takin to the grave Annabelle offered to take me and Hailey to a yogurt polar.

"Sure." I said. I didn't really have anything to do except for cry over my life.


Mk I'll update soon as possible. So Hailey now reads this book apparently so hi Hailey!!!

Anyway me and Hailey are friends again so it's all good. Have a nice day little people unless if your tall then have a horrible day! Jk XD I'm not mean, yeah I am.... But that ain't the point.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy and my mom is threatening to take my iPod away 😓😰 for being on it to much I'm scared!

Anyway if I don't post then you know why bye have a good day and merry Christmas!

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