In the Beginning

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You look into his eyes and see a young man who doesn't know where to go. You know what you should do, but it's the opposite of what you want to do. You always remember that life is full of decisions, but when you face them you have two options. Doing what is right, or doing what is easy. Right now you want to take the easy path. But you have no idea what lies ahead. You reach your hand out and take his. You have no idea if you made the right decision or not, but for now this is the path you have chosen for yourself.

You look up at him and see a smile on his face, then you smile back at him. You feel like you are about to pass out when you see one of the guards has stabbed in your back you while you were not paying any attention. You fall to the ground and Kylo looks at you then to the guard. He ignited his red lightsaber and completely decapitates the guards head from his body. Your vision is hazy so you cannot make out much. Kylo pick you up and rushes you to the infirmary. "HELP! HELP!" He cries.

When you wake, you see him sitting next to your bed with tears dripping down his eyes. "Ben?" You whisper to him silently still not completely conscious.

"Yes? Yes! I'm here! What do you need?" He says as he kisses your hands. You feel something different in him, and you're not sure what it is yet.

"Where am I?" You say regaining strength.

"Shh shhh it doesn't matter. Your safe," he whispers to you. "Now, get some sleep, you need the rest," he leaves you in your infirmary bed alone. You quickly fall asleep and a terrible nightmare strikes you....

I know this chapter was very short but I'm still getting the hang of writing fanfiction. I will try to update at lease once daily but if I cannot I am truly sorry.


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