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Paul woke up as he heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
,,Paul?" His dad opened the door.
,,Oh! good morning" Paul got out of his bed.
,,I need to go to work so don't be late at school okay?"
,,Yea yea.. don't worry" Paul walked to his wardrobe, and put on his school uniform.
He heard the front door close, and with that, he was all alone in the house with his little brother Mike.
He brushed his hair, and went down to the kitchen.
He got some cereal and checked the time.
'oh I'm late!'
Quickly, he picked up his bag, and rushed out.
George was already in school so he walked alone, but that wasn't really bad, because he had some time to just think. About anything.
Once he got to the school, George walked up to him.
,,Hi mate! Where have you been?"
,,Hi Geo. I didn't realize i was late y' know"
,,Okay then" George chuckled.
,,Shall we go to class?"
,,Sure" and with that, they were on the way to their class.
,,Paulie!" Someone shouted.
,,Hm?" Paul turned to the man who said his name.
'𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏' I don't know why, but every time I'm around him, i feel like my heart is going to explode'
,,Hi John"
,,Hey, Macca how are you?"
Paul blushed a bit when he heard that nickname.
,,Hey Johnny I'm fine"
,,Okay then. You want to go somewhere after school?"
,,Sure!" Paul almost yelled from his excitement.
John just smiled and then the teacher got to the class.
The class was really boring, but Paul made it out alive.
Then suddenly was already lunch.
George and Stu were already at the table.
,,Hello lads!" Paul said.
,,Hi Paulie" George greeted.
Paul sat down and got his lunch out.
Then, John came.
He sat next to Paul, which made Paul shift in his seat.
Paul's heart beated really fast.
'could i be queer? No. But... No! No I'm not queer. Or am i?'
Paul was deep in thoughts until Geo snapped him out of it.
,,Earth to Paul!"
,,Uh what?"
,,Here you are" Geo chuckled.
John laughed a bit.
Paul blushed in embarrassment.
,,Hey it's alright" John put his hand on Paul's shoulder.
,,Guys the class will start. We better get going" Geo stated.
Then, he got up and threw away the tray.
,,Y-yeah" Paul got up as well.
After a while, Paul found himself in the front of class solving a math equation.
The next thing he saw, John staring at him.
Paul admired him for a couple of seconds, and realized something.
'Yes. In fact i do 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎'

Heeeey! This was part one of my mclennon story! And this is my first English story, so no hate haha. How do you like it so far?
(470 words)

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