Make things normal again

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John's pov

I still can't get over the fact Paul is queer, and into me! That's crazy!

I'm just thinking about all the stuff that had happened yesterday at school. Good thing it's Saturday and i don't have to face him.
But.....i still like him. As a friend obviously.
Whatever I'll just go take a bath, hopefully get my mind off of him.

I stood up and got into the warm water. The feel of water surrounding my skin was very satisfying and comfortable....

Suddenly, a knock on the bathroom door woke me up.

,,John! Get out of the water! You're there almost two hours!"
Mimi yelled trough the door.
Two hours? I looked at my very wrinkly and sore fingers.
,,Ouch" i whispered.
,,Y-yeah I'm coming!" I yelled back and quickly stood up. Grabbed a random towel from the neetly folded pile on a shelf.
I ran so quickly down the stairs, that i fell.
I think i had a little blackout because i found myself waking up in my bed.
My head hurt like hell!

,,Mimi?" I yelled.
,,Yes?" She said walking into my room.
,,W-what happened?" I asked.
,,You fell down the stairs and hit your head"
,,Oh.. well at least i didn't bleed"
I said.
,,You should get some rest John" Mimi said.
Then, i closed my eyes.....

Paul's POV

I'm in my bed, crying.
Haven't ate, nor' drank. Just crying.
John doesn't love me. And he never will....
It's 2 pm and I'm still not hungry because of Johnny....

After a while, i stopped crying and sat sadly on my bed. I realized that i have to move on. Move on from John to help myself from making anything worse.
I need to find some other love. Can anybody find me somebody to love? I wish that John loved me- nonono no. No more John. I failed, but i want to be his friend. I need to fix our relationship. Yes! And i will! ...but how? Argh! I'll just, apologize? That's the first step, and then, I'll just do ANYTHING to make things between us normal again. After all, he is not queer, and maybe..... I'm not either? Was it just in my head? Yeah, probably.

I go to the telephone and call John.
Brrrr brrr
John picks up.
I screamed.
,,.....okay" John simply said.
I was a bit confused.
"What? What does he mean by ,,okay"?? What am i supposed to answer?! Uhhh"
,,I want to be friends again...please, John.." i begged.
,,Look Paul. As long as you don't act like a bloody queer, we can be friends. What happened between us, i can forget. But only once" John said.
,,Yes! Thank you sososoo much!" I cheered.
,,Mkay see you on Monday" John said and hung up.
I put the phone down and grinned to myself. Oh, how glad am i that this was an easy fix.

Look. I'm sorry that this is short but i have to upload SOMETHING and it's 21:59  and I'm tired :/ so hope you enjoyed!
25.9. 2020 (518 words)

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