chapter 6

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*5 weeks later*

I hadn't really talked to Cam in a while. It was hard. It was painful. But, I'd done it.

Not much had happened since then. Luke had asked me out, and we had lasted like two weeks. We were just better as friends.

Frankly speaking, I don't even think Cameron cared. He had replaced me already, with Jasmine and Chelsea, his new side hoes. Just kidding. Jealousy can kill a girl's soul. We had made eye contact a couple times, in the hallways at school, but he'd always be the first one to look away.

I only had one problem though. It was his birthday today, September 8th. I knew I had to say something, because it would just be selfish and rude if I didn't.

I decided to make a card for him, and hand it to him during math.

Dear Cameron,

I know things haven't been the same between us lately. I don't think they will be. I don't know if you care, but I do, even if it doesn't seem like it. Anyways, I don't want this to get too sentimental so I want to wish you a very very happy birthday. You deserve a great year, and I hope everything works out for you in the future.


I was debating to write "I miss you," but I didn't know if that would make me sound weak or not. So, I just let it be.


During math, everyone was surrounding Cameron and wishing him a happy birthday. I decided to wait until everyone left him alone, and then I walked over.


He just looked straight ahead, jaws clenched.

Why hadn't I noticed that jawline before?!

"Cameron, please, don't ignore me."

"What gives you the right to say that? You're the one who's been ignoring ME for whatever reason."

He was mad? That was a bit of a shocker. "Wait, you're mad?"

He looked at me. "Huh? You sound surprised?" He stood up. "You think I'm okay with my best friend ignoring me all of a sudden? Running away from me like she hates me? You know, I'm not mad at all!!"

What?! "You care?"

His face softened. "What? Why wouldn't I?"


We stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Happy birthday."


"Okay, bye."

I started walking away, until I felt someone grab my wrist.

"Hey, um, I'm having a party at my house. If you want to come?" he asked, a bit nervously.

Oh gosh. He hadn't had a huge party since his 16th, and we all know what happened then. And even though my crush had toned down a bit, standing here talking to him wasn't exactly helping. But, maybe I had gone about this the wrong way. Maybe I could even talk to him about it tonight.

Who am I kidding?

Whatever, though. I needed to start living a little.


He looked relieved and even smiled a little. "Cool. See you then."

His smile. Oh my god. His smile.

Snap out of it Ashlyn, seriously.

"Oh and Ashlyn?

I turned around.

"I missed you."

"I missed you, too."


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also thanks to everyone who followed me this week! ❤

share this story with anyone you think would like it thanks everyone :-)

A Simple Secret (A Cameron Dallas Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin