Midnight stars

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Teeth brushed, pyjamas on, Derek slides in to bed beside his wife. Wife. He can't believe it. He's finally married to Meredith Grey. They've been through a lot. Drowning, shootings, fights, the ex-wife. It just made them stronger. They had their break-ups but at the end of the road they always found a way back to each other. 

He was too lost in thought to realise he was staring at her. Once he came back to reality he turned his head away sharply, hoping she didn't notice. But she did.

"If you think I didn't notice you staring at me for five minutes straight, you're very wrong." her soft voice echoed through the room. She tucks a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear and gazes up at him. "Are you going to tell me what you were thinking?" she asks sweetly.

"Just about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful wife."

She blushes then giggles at her husband. "Shut up! I'm the lucky one." She leans in and brushes her lips against his. He cups her cheek lightly in his hand, deepening the kiss slightly. 

"I'm lucky," she says through the kiss, her hands wrapping around his neck. "McDreamy."  

He pulls away and strokes her hair gently. Never in a million years had he been so happy. It all started at Joe's. He was just a guy and she was just a girl in a bar. He bought her a drink. Tequila. One thing led to another and he woke up the next morning with her in his bed. If someone had told him he'd marry this girl, he'd call them crazy. He had a wife.  A wife that cheated, but that's not the point. He had a wife and a job and more than one house. He had a hell of a lot of money, what more could he possibly want? The answer is; Meredith Grey. She's everything he could want. And now she's his. Beatiful, smart, kind, caring Meredith Grey is his wife. Yes, she has flaws but he loves her despite them.

"I love you, wife."

She smiles and pecks his lips softly. "I love you too, husband."

Yes, I know this is short but it's cute ( in my opinion)

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