Those types of girls

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I will be changing the age gap between Bailey, Ellis and Brooklyn for this oneshot. Bailey is 19, Ellis is 17 and Brooklyn is 16. In Stay Till Midnight, the age gaps are the same as in the show btw. For those of you who haven't read Stay Till Midnight, Brooklyn is Jolex' daughter born after Alex' departure from the show in 16x16. That's all you have to know, there is no need to go read my other fanfics before reading this oneshot.

"Derek!!!" I scream for my husband. He can clearly hear the anger and fear in my voice. I hear the clatter of plates coming from the kitchen and then footsteps running up the stairs. He's out of breath by the time he stops besie my in the doorway of Ellis' empty room.

"Oh that's perfect." he growls after seeing that his daughter and his colleague's daughter aren't in the room or anywhere else in the house. 

"Bailey was going to hang with some friends, do you think they snuck out and followed him?" 

"They might've but how did they even sneak out? We were both downstairs, we would've heard the door open and close." he asks with concern.

I walk to the window, open it then look down. On the ground underneath the window is a pile of leaves that the girls raked together earlier today. Well, shit. Did they want to end up in the ER? I thought boys were supposed to be the dumb ones.

"They jumped." I say while pointing down.

"Shit, do you think they got hurt?"

"I doubt it, the pile looks pretty big."

"They are in some serious trouble."

"That they definitely are."


"Derek, it's midnight should we call the cops? What if something happened to our baby?"

"Give her another hour, Mer. You know how kids are when it comes to parties. They sneak out and sneak back in before their parent wake up and in our case we have to get up very early."

I sigh. He is right, but I'm so worried about my daughter. What if she gets drugged and taken advantage of? Or what if she does drugs and overdoses? What if someone kidnaps her while they're on their way back home?

I take my phone out of my pocket and start typing. 

Ellis Alexandra Grey Shepherd, where the hell are you?!

How dare you and your cousin sneak out in the middle of the night!

Anything could happen to you!

My hear skips a beat when I see seen pop up under my texts. Moments later she replies.

Chill, mom. We're fine! Bailey drove us!

Then she sends a picture of her, Bailey and Alex' daughter Brooklyn. My daughter is wearing a white T-shirt that hangs a tiny bit too low on her chest with her hair tied up in a bun. Brooklyn on the other hand had gone for a much different style. The sixteen year old was wearing a tight sleeveless (which I only know because Callie Torres had gotten her it for Christmas, much to Alex and Jo's dismay) black shirt with overtop of it a leather jacket and her light brown curls bounced loosely down her shoulders. Unlike Ellis, who had worn nutural make-up, Brooklyn wore mascara and blue eyeliner that made her blue eyes stand out even more. Beside the two girls was Bailey who, thank God, had dressed normal and appropriately.

"Is that them?" my husband asks, coming to sit down beside my on the couch.

"Yes," is all I reply and turn my phone so he could see it better.

By the sharp intake of breath, I can tell he isn't happy with what he sees. I rest my hand on his thigh and mutter, "When did our baby grow up?"

"I don't know, it feels like yesterday that we took her home from the hospital and Bailey was crying because she was getting more attention than him."

I smile at the memory, it was a good one. Zola was so happy to have a sister with whom she could play dolls with but Bailey didn't understand what was going on or who the tiny person was.

The front door closes, bringing me back to reality. The children are home. 

"Ellis Alexandra, Derek Bailey and Brooklyn Alexa, you guys are in so much trouble!" I yell.

Bailey was the first one to reply while the girls stood in silence looking very guilt, "Mom please it's not my fault, Brooklyn threatened to blackmail me if I didn't bring them!"

I whirl around to glare at Brooklyn. "Is this true?!"

She nods her head and sighs. "Yes it's true. I said I would send everyone from our school a picture of him jerking off to a photo of Kylie Jenner that I snapped last time I was here. I'm sorry."

I gasp. "Brooklyn Karev that is unacceptable!"

She shakes her head , her eyes glued to the floor. "I know, and I'm sorry. We just wanted to go to the party because the boys we like were going, it turns out they're dicks though." She turns her gaze towards Bailey. "I wouldn't have actually sent it, just so you know."

I've heard enough of this. I need to talk to Alex and Jo before I yell at their daughter so it's better if we put this conversation to rest till tomorrow. "You know what? Go to bed! We'll talk in the morning when you guys have a massive headache, that should teach you."

"M'kay, mom."

"Okay. Goodnight, mummy."

"Night, Auntie Mer."

Once the kids are out of earshot I say to my husband, "Now that that's over till tomorrow, I need tequila."

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Darling?" he teases.

"Yes, my love. It's a fantastic idea." I say, then we both errupt in laughter. 

If Derek didn't die.  :(

I don't know what this is, just role with it I guess.

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