Double date

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"Derek, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Meredith yells from the front door. The kids, Zola and Bailey are standing beside her shuffling their feet from side to side out of boredom. 

"Mommy, Sofia is going to be there too, right?" Zola asks, looking up at her mom. It is a know fact that Zola hates going to restraurants with her parents if her friend isn't with her. She says, she finds it boring.

"Yes Zozo, I promised you Sofia would be there, didn't I?" 

"Okay, I'm ready. Sorry it took so long." Derek apologizes to his wife, giving her a quick peck on the lips. 

"Ew." "Yuck, that's gross." the kids exclaim in union. 

"Enough of that. Get in the car." Meredith scolds as they walk out the front door and to the car. It was Callie's idea to have a double date to celebrate her wedding anniversary  with Robbins. Alex and Wilson, April and Jackson and Cristina were all invited but everyone was needed in the hospital, for a reason no one knows, and Cristina's flight got delayed. 

"Were here!" Derek exclaims to the kids at the same time that his wife says in a warning tone, "Zola be careful when you get out, it'll be slippery."



"The kids seem to be having fun." Meredith laughs as she watches Zola and Sofia chase each other around the table with Bailey trying to keep up to his older sister. She has long lost track of what the kids were playing. At one point it was tag and then it was horsey. In which Sofia was a horse named Sunflower and Zola was her owner. One time Sofia got down on her hands and knees and Zola sat on her back as if she was a real horse. Arizona had quickly put a stop to that part of their game though.

"So what's everyone having?" Arizona asks sweetly. 

"I think I'll go with the spaghetti. Then Sofia can have some of mine because there's no way she'll be able to finish a meal on her own. The kids menu's are huge!"

"I'm going to order the surloin steak." Meredith replies with a grin then turns to her husband. "What about you, hun?"

"Same as you. Do we order the mac and cheese for the kids to split?"

The rest of the evening is spent talking about crazy cases and embarrassing childhood stories. After being scolded but Arizona for being too wild and loud, the kids played tic tac toe and other drawing games with the pens and paper Callie brought with her. 

"This was so much fun, we should do it again!" Callie exclaims giving Meredith a hug despite her protests to not be hugged.

"Yeah it was," she replies while fixing her slightly ruffled shirt. "and congrats on the anniversary!" 

"Thank you so much guys. Next time we should make sure Alex and the others can come."


The plan was to go bowling because it was only five pm but as both couples got in their car they got paged to the ER. Of course there had to be a trauma where everyone was needed on the night they took off. Callie and Derek parked in their usual parking spaces and headed to the pit with their spouses and kids in tow.

"What's going on. It looks so dark." Callie questioned as they neared the enterance of the pit.

"I have no idea. Power outage, maybe?" Meredith replied.

At the moment the two couples set foot in the huge room, the lights turned on and everyone jumped out of their hiding spots.

"Surprise! Happy anniversary, Callie and Arizona!" 

Meredith watches as Alex walks over and gives his mentor a hug. "Congrats, Robbins."

She looks around the room and notices a bunch of familiar faces. Kepner and Avery standing by the huge chocolate cake. Wilson standing awkwardly a few metres away from Alex who is chatting with Robbins. Hunt and Amelia are standing beside Bailey and Webber with a huge smile on their faces. 

"How was dinner, Mer? Did the kids drive you guys crazy?" Alex smirks at her.

So that's why you couldn't make it to dinner, she thinks to herself.

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