Chapter 4:The Pack see's Esperanza is Diffrent

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(Back in Beacon Hills with Esperanza and the pack)
Esperanza's POV: Right Know i am watching Scott fight this guy . I gasp as the guy stabs Scott With His Claws ?
Me:"NO!!" I soon feel myself start to shift into my wolf but something changes I feel something creeping from under my eyes and something poking in with my teeth. A guy was helping Scott I run to the guy who had attacked Scott and without thinking I just bit him I don't know why but the bike did something in not like a natural werewolf bite he fell dropped dead.  Scott and the other wolf Look at me in shock.
Scott:"Esperanza?" He says as I feel my face and body shift back to normal but I'm weak so weak that I fall backwards and I feel arms around me then I cure a masculine voice must be the other wolf.
???:" Ranza, stay with me." Only one other kid used to call me that......... it can't be. I feel my eyes tear up as I look into the wolves eyes and look at his face and I gasp.

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