Part 1

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"Oh my gosh you are actually Chris Evans!"

" Nice to finally meet you Kiiara. I have heard much about you"


* knock knock* " Oh shit what day is it today?" I walk over and open the door to see Kiiara. "Hey Chr- It's Jenny isn't it?" That kid can read my mind "I brought some ice cream. I can stay at home or see if I can stay somewhere else if now isn't a good time." " No its fine" I say. We sit on the couch and watch The winter soldier. She's such a geek. "You and Scarlett are so cute together. Did you know you two have a kid together in the comics?" " Yes you tell me this every time" " I'm a fan girl I cant help it."  I laugh and I look down. "Hey, I got something for you" She reaches in her pocket and pulls out 3 tickets to the Red Sox v Mets game in the best spots. "Where'd you get those?" "My dad got them. Free. Boston cop perks"  she continues "One was for Jenny. I don't think shed care anyways. I think she hates me" "Don't say that" She looks at me " I really don't care I hate her to" Kiiara got up to get water. "So what are you going to do with the third ticket?" I ask "I dunno. Maybe sell it/ It would make good money. Unlesssssss........." I sigh "here we go" "Unless you ask a certain Scarlett Ingrid Johansson to come." I blush and quickly wipe it off before she comes. "I know you were blushing."  Damn. This kid is a psychic. " I don't like her like that." "Whatever" She looks at me "Chris, I don't know much about love but being around a hopeless romantic for so long I've learned a few things. I don't need to know about love to know you like her. I know you Chris. Plus, my friend Sean doesn't look at me like that and we've been friends since kindergarten." I sigh "She's in LA right now. She won't come to Boston and go to a game with me when our team is going to whip her teams butt" "Wrong. Well right that welll whip there asses" "Hey" "I'm so sorry Captain America. There Donkeys. Their going against Colins favorite team and she likes the Yankees. She would ABSOLUTELY hate the Mets if something unfortunate happens and gets into a fight" She says while rubbing her finger against the top of the glass of water. She looks at me " How much you wanna bet she comes?" "20$" I say "and the fight?" "25$" "ok." "I will finally win a bet against you." "Keep telling your self that. "Oh and Chris?" "Hm?" I reply "What was before you go about?" "I-" the doorbell rang. "Ill get it" I say "Saved by the bell" she says disgusted. " I bet you 15$ it's Scarlett" "Whatever" I say"I open the door. "Scarlett?"

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