Part 8: Your not alone

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Chris' POV

     Scarlett and I go outside and sit on the couch. I repeat the words Kiiara said in my head "We are here for you, your worth it. We are here for you your worth it." Scarlett takes a deep breath. 

"How long has this been going on for?" I look down.

"Since I broke up with Lillian"

"Does Kiiara know?"

"Yes. She always tells me to stop being a hypocrite and take my own advice but I just... don't"

"Chris we are here for you. Everyone is." Scarlett looks at me. Those eyes make me feel safe. I kiss her.

"Your not alone"


I want to take this time to tell everyone reading this that dont ever think you are worthless. you mean something. you are strong and brave. you are not alone.

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