Chapter 24

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We walk into the living and all the guys were sitting and talking. Adrian had his head in his hands and didn't seem to be listening to the conversation.

"We can't kill him yet, we need to see if there's more." Colin said.

"He deserves to die for what he did to Owen, we can't just let him go free." Peter argued.

"I know that he needs to pay but what if there's others that kill humans? We need to stop them from killing innocent people." Colin argued back.

"Oh stop acting so high and mighty, remember 1750? When you killed twice as many people as me. So stop acting like you really care about the humans." Peter spat.

"We all killed back then you can't hold that against me." Colin said standing up.

Peter stood up as well "Well I just did."

The next thing I knew they were both throwing punches at each other.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Peter and Colin said, "We all killed back then," It never really occurred to me that Bailey killed people, but what was I really expecting though? She's a vampire.

I watched as Peter and Colin fought as did everyone else until Andrew got up and picked Peter up.

"Let me go Andrew this guy needs to learn him lesson." he said struggling against him.

Ricky jumped up as well and grabbed Colin. I was surprised that Colin was fighting, he seemed like a gentle person but looks can be deceiving.

"Colin calm down." Ricky said calmly and Colin slowly stopped struggling and glared at Peter.

"Peter how about we go into the other room so you guys can have some time to cool down?" Andrew said and carried Peter out of the living room.

I noticed how Andrew said "we" instead of "you", huh.

We walked towards the guys and Ricky saw me and immediately smiled.

"Hi Alex!" he said cheerfully.

"Stop being so cheerful, it's too early." I say and me and Bailey sit down on the couch.

"But it's like 3:30 in the afternoon." Ricky said confused.

"Good job, you can tell time." I say sarcastically and Bailey pulls me closer to her.

"Aww. You guys are so cute." Ricky said, letting go of Colin and guiding him to the couch where he was sitting before.

"Shut it Ricky." Bailey said and shot him a playful glare.

"So are you two finally together?"

Bailey looked at me and she smiled, "Yeah."

Wait what? Since when? I did not consent. But did I mind that she said we were together? I guess not.

"Yay. You two are such a cute couple." Ricky cheered.

"Um this is news to me." I say glaring up at her and she looked away embarrassed.

She leaned down and whispered "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Part of me wanted to say no, don't let her in, don't let down your walls. But I really like her and maybe I should take a chance. This will never happen again.

"Sure." I say and Bailey lean down kissed me.

"Yay!" Ricky said clapping.

We all looked up as Andrew and Peter came back into the room and I noticed Peter adjust just sweater to hide a mark.

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