Han Jisung- Confession

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You and Jisung had been best friends since you guys were in diapers because your mother were bffs with his. Your mother was the really easygoing type and wants the best for you but makes sure your happiness is first while your dad was more of the strict type but still loves you endlessly, so you've never dated anyone until that day... (uwu my seriousness is making my cringe for dear life)

You and Jisung were having a movie marathon like you do every once a month. Both your parents were okay with that as long as nothing fiSHy happens. (but lets be real here, both your mothers wanted you guys to be together 🥴🥰)

You guys were always surrounded with a variety of different junk foods and drinks while having yourselves locked up in that cold air-conditioned room for almost two days (yall in your bedroom with a bathroom inside it so yall basically live there). You were gonna get your favorite chips but they were beside Jisung, who had kept a little distance between you just enough to stuff the drinks between you guys (and so your dad doesn't decide to murder him). You didn't wanna tell him to help you because he looked like he was really into the movie and he wasn't gonna hear you anyway so you stretched and reached over his crossed up legs to get your desired pack of chips.

Just when you were about to reach that stupid fat bag thats filled with 70% air and 30% fats the sound of thunder struck. With you being the scaredy cat you lightly flinched and screamed softly. But your body wasn't balanced after flinching and you were gonna fall (?) on Jisung's lap part. Thank god his reflexes weren't asleep and he caught you just in time before you...you know...(i know you know we know lee know 🥴) fell into that part. (this was supposed to be innocent 😔 guess not lmao 🤷🏻‍♀️)

When he caught you you both look into each other's eyes, shocked yet shy, Jisung has never physically touched you in any way because he was scared your dad would kill him in his sleep so this was new despite being best friends with him for so long. After staring at each other in silence (the movie doesn't count lol) for a good half a minute, he broke the silence. "You're so beautiful Y/N" he accidentally slipped out. "W-What?" you said, shocked, because he never tried to flirt with you, ever. Jisung, who didn't realize he had just said that out loud, blushed mad hard and just looked around awkwardly because he was still holding you (basically hugging you) and couldn't let you go or else you'd fall again. He then realized it was gonna be now or never so he looked back at your confused self and locked eye contact for two seconds (honestly the best two seconds ever). He helped sit you back down properly and faced you after pausing the movie. "I know we're best friends and I know saying this might ruin our friendship but promise me after I tell you this, you still have to consider me as your best friend if this doesn't go the same way with my plan that's currently working in my head?" You giggled and said sure while his heart was slowly melting from your adorable-ness. "W-Well um i-" You cut him off. "I like you too you idiot" You said while hugging him.

His brain took a few seconds to process what was happening and when he came back to his senses he shook his head a little bit to snap out of his thoughts then hugged you back. "D-Do you want t-to be um- my gir-" "Sure" You cut him off once again while giggling. "Yah! Just because i like you doesn't mean you can keep cutting me off and get away with it! I'm still three months older than you, you know! Show some respect hmpf!" He said while pouting which ofc looked extremely cute. "I'm sorry Jisung oppa~ Please forgive me oppa~" You said in your fake cute voice which disgusted both of you but in the end you both laughed it off.

You both were once again staring into each other's eyes but this time, he was leaning in, so were you. Your lips were just about to touch but your dad came in because it was way too quiet since you two were always loud and there was no sound from the movie. You and Jisung were so close to each other so you both look at your dad shocked and he returned the same expression, only with his eyes and mouth wide open. He was about to scream but after he saw the sight of you holding Jisung's hands with love he could tell you really liked him. He looked back at you guys, "S-Sorry for in-int-interrupting!" and closed the door calmly. You and Jisung look at each other shook that your dad took it so well. "Well...I guess now I can do this without any worries" Jisung said and kissed you passionately. And that was the start of your beautiful relationship. (dont be shy, go ahead and imagine the rest 🥴)

𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊
yes hi hello if you made it this far i love you sm and i really hope you enjoyed this! this was my first ever imagine and its 2:30am for me rn so it might suck haha idk 😚
if you think i have anything to improve please comment or dm me, dont be a silent reader, i really wanna improve!
if you like threads i post those on my instagram: @/multi.kpop_clown
please check my account out, it would really mean a lot to me! 🥰

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