B&E : julian x f! reader

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“You've gotta stop coming into my shop uninvited.” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at the out of breath male towering over her.

“Especially when you break in through the windows–” She gestures towards a now, quite broken window “–ON THE SECOND FLOOR.”

He gingerly scratches the back of his neck and awkwardly chuckles “Yeah, i'll... er... pay for the repairs.” He says, taking a seat down on the females un-made bed.

“Sure you will.” She pushes him aside to create space and sits down next to him. “I'm assuming Asra isn't here?” She shakes her head while looking out at the cold night sky.

“No, he never is. Plus, he'd come bustling in by now if he was.” With a long sigh of sadness, she lowers her head, playing with the hem of her over sized shirt.

“Is something wrong?” He brushes a stray strand of hair from her face, illuminated by the moon light. “No, no... it's just.. i wish he was here more often.”

She leans her head against his shoulder, her soft, silky hair tickling the sides of his neck as well as his jawline.

Julian could DEFINETLY get used to this.

“He's practically the only person i've known my whole life, he's always been there. But lately he seems to just–” She stops in the middle of the sentence, being overwhelmed with frustration at the absence of her master.

“Disappear for a few months, comeback, act like nothing happened and leave again?” Julian continues her phrase, making her widen her e/c orbs in shock

“Yes... that.” She raises one of her eyebrows “I seem to have no one to really... express my problems to. For example, how much i'm inlove with y– uh... yogurt.”

He throws his head back and chuckles “You're inlove with yogurt?” She furiously nods, masking the blush dancing over her cheeks with a little smile.

she can't slip up.

they've known eachother for like what, 1 week?

“I'm so inlove with yogurt that it hurts my soul!” She dramatically stands up and fans herself “I cannot express how much i just wanna hold yogurt in my arms and never let go!”

He smiles at her, taking in every aspect of her beautiful form. He loved it, seeing her like this. No, he loved her.

“Well, since you told me your problem–” He swiftly stands up, grabbing her chin with his left hand, and her waist with the other.

“How about i tell you mine?” He smiles mischievously as he watches an ocean of red take over her once s/c doll face.

“Well, for starters...” He slowly pushes her up against the wall “It's about this one girl, that makes me happy...”

He trails small kisses all over her face.

Her head was screaming at her to jump out of the window and screech like a little school girl, but she just stood paralyzed against the cold wall, taking in the loving look on his glowing eyes.

His gray eyes that made her melt for him, the colour of a cloudy, rainy day. Those days were comforting for her, they brought her a sense of nostalgia.

“I can't express through words how beautiful, stunning and gorgeous she is. She makes me feel like we're the only ones on earth. With her, hell could feel like heaven. Yes, it's really cheesy, but i love her more than anyone could ever imagine. And since i can't express it through words, i'll have to explain it through affection.”

He wrapped both of his arms around her waist now, pulling her close to his framed body and taking his lips onto hers.

It felt like the world had stopped.

Both of their hearts were beating at an alarming rate. Their faces, now beet red and flushed in embarrassment expressing nothing but pure bliss.

The kiss was short, and sweet, but was enough for both of them to show eachother their own affection, and just how much they care for eachother.

After staring into eachothers eyes for 5 minutes straight, Y/N decides to speak up.

“I love you, Julian.”

“I love you too, dear.”

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