comfort | muriel x f! reader

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sorry if muriel is OOC in this!! this is also a bit short so sorry about that 😿
Y/N sat comfortably on the floor of Muriel's hut, a fluffy f/c blanket wrapped around her petite figure (that Muriel went out of his way to buy for her at the shops) as well as a warm cup of her favorite tea on her hands.

Muriel, who was petting Inanna and making a warm drink for himself, looked behind his shoulder at the h/c female, simply sipping on her tea with a little smile dancing on her face.

As unnoticeable as it was, her smile expressed exactly how she felt.

Her smile had the feel of townspeople all dancing and singing around a campfire. Her smile had the feel of home, peace & joy written all over it.

They both hadn't done much, except have a little walk in the forest, get caught up in the rain and run back home, but what made Y/N so happy was to know that she had Muriel by her side.

Yes, he was the quiet type. And didn't often really express how he felt, often making Y/N have to guess what he was feeling based off of his facial expression. But she knew he cared nonetheless.

A tiny word, action, or smile from him could immediately brighten up her day, as if she had been given a happy pill or as if she was being rolled up into a little ball and safely placed into a box full of joy.

“Are you warmer now?” His deep voice replaced the comfortable silence of the hut, making her look up from the dancing flames of Muriel's fireplace. Her smile widened in the slightest bit and she nodded.

“I am, but I'd be warmer if you joined me.” Muriel's face turned 23 different shades of red, as his emerald orbs widened & looked everywhere but at her. A honey like giggle errupted from her throat, making his eyes soften and a small smile make way onto his lips as he stared at her figure overtaken with joy.

She slightly shifted from her original place, to make more space for the raven haired male. She softly patted the carpeted floor next to her, and without much hesitance, Muriel made his way towards her.

He sat down, Inanna making herself comfortable ontop of both of their legs, as Y/N placed her cup of tea down and engulfed the much taller male in a hug.

His arms were stuck in the air, and he awkwardly placed them around her, not knowing what to do. They both sat in comfortable silence, the only sound they could hear was the wood in the fireplace occasionally do little popping sounds.

“Thank you” Y/N finally spoke up, placing her chin on his chest and looking up at his green eyes, which always reminded her of the bright green leaves on trees in the summer, sun rays hitting them like a warm hug from a parent. [not that i'd know what that feels like]

“For what?” His thick eyebrows furrowed, wondering what the female was talking about. “For being there.” He smiled at her response, and placed his chin atop of her head.

“No, thank you. Because of you, i learned how to love. I could never thank you enough for that.”

Long story short, they spent that night cuddling in each others arms, just enjoying having each other around, as their auras happily merged together, in what seemed like a silent euphoric dance.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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