our secret : portia x reader

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Y/N took a quick glance at the clock in their room.

3:30 am

They smiled happily and stood up, carefully opening up their bedroom door to reveal a very enthusiastic Portia standing there with her pointer finger on her lips.

“Be quiet, let's go!” She grabbed onto Y/N's hands and quietly sprinted towards the other side of the hallway.

Portia gestured for Y/N to go first, so they pressed their s/c hand against the wall, feeling around it until their hand goes through it.

Both of them get into the passageway that leads to the first floor. “Couldn't we have used the stairs?”

“I thought we established that it was more fun to go through passageways like 2 weeks ago, Y/N” She giggled and pressed a quick kiss to Y/N's forehead, then dashing down the palace walls.

“Where exactly are we going?” Portia childishly giggled and shushed the h/c head. “That's a secret” She winked, sending Y/N's face into an ocean of red hues.

They walked (more like ran)  for what seemed like hours in the empty palace walls, even though no one was around, Portia still felt the need to sneak around.

Not that Y/N would mind, they found it extremely cute how she'd get excited over these "nightly adventures" they both had together, as she named it.

Each time Portia heard the smallest of sounds, which could be the creaky engines in the kitchen, or just a mouse that found its way in, she'd get all giddy and hide in a corner, throwing up her hands in finger guns, sending giggles out of both young adults.

“We're almost there.” She happily whispered, peeking out of a corner they'd both previously hid themselves in once hearing a guard walk around.

Y/N hummed, peeking out from behind the short female infront of them. They put their hands on Portia's waist to keep themselves stable, drawing a squeak out of her.

“W-we should get moving before uh... you know – the guard comes back.” The auburn haired girl gave Y/N a quick kiss before wiggling out of their grasp, and proceeding their trip to...

“The kitchen?” Y/N questioned, furrowing their eyebrows and staring down/up at their partner.  Portia excitedly nodded and gracefully walked to the two big fancy doors, with strips of gold decorating them.

As much as Y/N liked the kitchen (taking in the fact it has delicious food), they still couldn't help but wonder why Portia specifically took them here and not some other place in the palace.

Portia dragged them to a fridge that, really, cost more than Y/N's whole existence. Though to Portia, Y/N was worth way more than anything in this palace, and those simple words were enough to light up their whole world.

“Don't tell anyone about this or i'll be so fired.” She pouted at the thought of it, but quickly brushed it off and smiled. “Anything for you though, cutie.”

Y/N's beet red face stared at Portia's completely neutral face. “What?” She questioned innocently, taking a cream filled cake and shoving it in her mouth.

“Nothing, just.. not used to the pet name... is all.” They smiled at her, taking in every aspect of her small visage.

Her cerulean eyes, the colour of the sky on a hot summer afternoon. They were filled with the warmness you'd get while drinking hot chocolate after getting soaked in the rain. The love & affection seeping through them often reminded Y/N of motherly love, after all, nobody will ever love you more than your mom. (Though sometimes it seems everyone loves you more than your mom.)

Yet Portia made you feel like one of a kind, like an albino animal or... a really expensive necklace. Which doesn't seem like one of a kind when you're in a palace like this.

Her cheeks, littered with small freckles and if you payed attention to the details, you  would find a mole on her nose, hidden amongst all the freckles.

Her lips, plump, not too thin but not too thick. They were rosy and reminded Y/N of roses blooming, beautiful.

Her eyelashes, long and healthy, which occasionally fluttered when she was excited.

All these little things made Y/N love her even more.

“Hey... Y/N?? You've been staring for awhile.” Y/N was cut off of their trance, causing their e/c filled with love eyes glance up at her concerned ones.

“Are you okay? Are you tired? Do you wanna go back to your room?” Portia set down her piece of cake and wiped her hands down, then quickly grabbed Y/N's cheeks and checked them all around.

“No, Portia. I'm okay.” They reassured her, affectionately smiling at their lover. “Are you sure? You can go b–”


The only sound you could now hear in the kitchen was the sound of their kisses and little happy giggles both of them emitted.

Their lips were captured in a loving kiss.

Their eyes, closed, trying to enjoy every moment of it.

Their arms around eachother, holding on for dear life.

“See? I told you i was okay, now let's eat that chocolate cake that's been looking at me for 20 minutes.”

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